Monday, October 6, 2008

Stargate Atlantis - Behind the Scenes Video Clip

From Joseph Mallozzi's blog update October 6, 2008:

(Please follow the link for the complete blog update and to view the NEW behind-the-scenes video clip of an active Stargate Atlantis stargate.)

October 6, 2008: Insomnia, Stargate, Guests, Books, and Mailbag


Went into the office today and watched the producer's cut of Enemy at the Gate. A fitting end to a terrific series, and one that'll segue nicely into the movie - which Paul [Mullie] and I continue to spin. To those of you asking, it will ideally include all the familiar faces - and then some.

Rob Cooper was back from the Vegas shoot looking very tired but very satisfied. What I've seen of the episode looks fantastic (a true big screen quality production) and I look forward to watching the finished product. Special Features Producer Ivon Bartok was also on location with them, and he came back with tons of behind-the-scenes footage. And speaking of behind-the-scenes footage, Lawren Bancroft-Wilson was on hand as well to snap some great pics of the shoot - great pics that he has promised to share along with a personal account of the Vegas adventure whenever he finds the time.

Speaking of finding the time - Brad was dropping none too subtle hints about his impending Q&A here on this blog. Essentially, he said that he'd waited so long for me to get around to it that, in the interim, he had to ask and answer his own questions. Well then, let's not let him wait any longer. If you have questions for Brad Wright, the creator and executive producer of Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, and the forthcoming Stargate: Universe, let's see `em.

... Today's video: Way back in the early days of SG-1, any shot that showed the active gate was always a visual effect. Eventually, the production created a practical puddle that would obviate the need to call in the VFX team or re-use existing shots. The practical puddle has come a long way from its early, not-wholly-convincing, incarnation. Today, after much fine-tuning, it looks incredibly convincing - even when shot by a non-professional on his SONY handycam. Check it out at the [at the link above]...

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