(Please follow the link for the complete update. There are photos at the site, including Christopher Judge [with the white hair streak from "Unending"] dressed up as a Jaffa, Andy Mikita, Herbert Duncanson (CJ's stand in), and more on set photos.
August 22, 2007
I’ve been busy: working on my producer’s cut of Kindred I, doing a polish on Martin Gero’s already great Harmony script, and dealing with miscellaneous publicity/production issues - but still managed to find time to send off two emails to my Nigerian penpals -
Teyilia writes: “1) do you guys even have the finale written yet? 2) when you say 'five acts and a teaser' is the Teaser BEFORE the five acts start? or before?”
Answers: 1) It’s in the process of being written. 2) The teaser comes before the five acts.
Iamza writes: “Out of curiosity, will we learn anything new and surprising about the replicators this season?”
Answer: Possibly.
Paula writes: “Bates: Still in a coma?”
Answer: Nope.
Anonymous #1 a ecrit: “ 1. Est-ce que tous les Wraiths ont des tatouages ? 2. Est-ce que l'on va découvrir la signification de ceux-ci? Ttod. 3. C'est vraiment son nom Wraith ? Je croyais que vous ne pouviez pas donner de nom aux wraiths car vous ne l'aviez pas fait dès le début. 4. Auriez-vous changé d'avis ? Si oui, 5. va t'on découvrir le nom d'autres Wraiths ?6. est-ce qu'il va y avoir une réelle amitié entre Todd et un membre de l'équipe d'Atlantis?
Reponses: 1) Non. 2) Non. 3) Non. 4) Non. 5) Non. 6) Une réelle? Non.
Arctic Goddess writes: “… there a move toward fewer episodes on Scifi, and do you see Atlantis and the new series going that way?”
Answer: Nope.
Zabadoo writes: “1.)Do you think we'll be seeing Earth a lot in the new Stargate Universe spin-off? 2.)When Brad and Rob start working on that, do you think you will stick with Atlantis and stay as show-runner on it, or do you think Brad and Rob have other plans for you? 3.)Are you a Batman Begins fan? If so, what do you think about The Dark Knight?”
Answers: 1) Possibly. 2) If it gets a fifth season pick up, I’m hoping to be working on Atlantis next year. 3) I loved the first half.
Sikie writes: “I think that Stargate in general and especially Atlantis lacks Real Aliens.”
Answer: No, no, I‘m pretty sure that pretty much all of the aliens on Stargate have been fake.
Pauline writes: “Can you tell me is there anything about your work that you dislike?”
Answer: Yes. Sometimes the caterers serve orange roughy for lunch.
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