From Joseph Mallozzi's blog update for August 23, 2007:
(More photos of food today at the site. You know, I'm gaining weight just LOOKING at those photos! Yum! Please follow the link for the complete update.)
Thursday, August 23, 2007
On the work front: shooting continues on the big team-up eppy, finished the polish on Harmony, almost finished my producer's cut of Kindred I as I await the completion of the Previously On sequence, an exhausted Martin completed his latest (and last) rewrite of Trio, read the first draft of Outcast, and watched the episode with the engagement scene (I have a feeling the fans will love it).
Today’s Q&A -
Teyilia writes: “Since the finale is being written at this time yes? when does actual filming for it start/end?”
Answers: Yes and end of September.
Flying Fig writes: “I know what a director's cut is (for DVDs, etc.) but what is a producer's cut?”
Answer: At the end of the day, the producer’s cut is the finished version.
ChevronSeven writes: “What exactly goes into polishing a script?”
Answer: Depends on the script notes.
Jill_Ion writes: “Are you sure all of the aliens on Stargate are fake?”
Answer: All but one.
Scifan writes: “ Maybe for season 5, you can have a story contest.”
Answer: Sorry. The production has nothing to do with organizing contests. That would be SciFi and MGM’s area of expertise.
Anonymous #1 writes: “Also, did you know Netflix is already way ahead of you and the team on the seasons of SGA?”
Answer: Parallel universes? Really? Cool!
[It's true! I was over at Netflix today, and you can "save" Stargate Atlantis Seasons 4 AND 5 to your Queue! I love it -- the power of positive thinking! - Morjana]
Anonymous #2 writes: “If Atlantis gets picked up for a season 5, when would you start writing for it?”
Answer: Hopefully well be spinning stories in November.
Zabadoo writes: “1.)I was in the process of writing a script to put in my portfolio to send with my college applications, and my computer crashed and it got deleted. (…) Has that ever happened to you, if so, any suggestions that can help to get it going again? 2) I heard there is a continuation to the Gero/McKay episodes... 3).)Should we expect any dark twists in Sheppard's backstory? Like is there a reason he hasn't told anyone much of who he was before? 4.)The episodes that Paul McGillion is in, is it going to be a completely different character from what we've seen before?”
Answers: 1) Let anger and desperation be your muse. 2) Gero/McKay episodes? 3) Don’t know what you mean by “dark”. 4) No, it’ll be the guy we knew.
Pattirose4 writes: “Any chance of casting Peter Wingfield in an upcoming role?”
Answer: He already played Tanith on SG-1 and was killed off in season 5.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Stargate Atlantis - David Hewlett's Blog Update Aug 23 -
From David Hewlett's blog update at A Dog's Breakfast:
(Please follow the link for the complete update. A photo of Mars is at the site.)
Good, Bad, Ugly Dogs and Wanda
Written by dgeek
Thursday, 23 August 2007
Had the pleasure of watching The Good, the Bad and the Ugly the other night. What a treat! If you want to see why Clint Eastwood is a star and where Tarantino gets most of his genius from then Sergio Leone is the man to watch. This movie is phenomenal! I've seen it before in bits and pieces, but sitting down and watching the thing properly is an awe-inspiring experience...
Almost half way through the "Design of the Dead" script. It's going to need a fair bit of work to get it out of "writer's draft" (which translates as the "I'm not showing nobody" pass!) but I'm really looking forward to pushing ahead with that! The next two Stargate Atlantis episodes "Harmony" & "Trio" are really McKay heavy so I doubt I'm going to have much time to do more than just learn lines and sleep, but even with hiatus, DVD releases and babies fast approaching I'm still very eager to get back behind the camera!
September the 18th is the DVD release (in North America) for A Dog's Breakfast. Jane and Fox have been great about getting me out there for publicity and such, and we're really hoping that the film is well received. Big shout-out to the Dragon Con attendees:
keep an eye out for the "Rabid Breakfast Squirrels" who are sure to be pestering the masses about our puppy's DVD arrival! Thanks SO much for all that marketing muscle, now is the perfect time to be flexing! So, please make sure you rate, review and recommend A Dog's Breakfast anywhere you can online and please be sure write about and link to us whenever you can in all your blog/facebook/Myspace pages... and of course buy it for everyone you've ever met as Christmas presents ;-) Sorry we can't be in Atlanta with you...I'll have to get it on the schedule for '08...perhaps with the sproglett in tow? And please be sure to post some pictures for us poor souls who won't be able to come play with the dragons.
All the best!
(Please follow the link for the complete update. A photo of Mars is at the site.)
Good, Bad, Ugly Dogs and Wanda
Written by dgeek
Thursday, 23 August 2007
Had the pleasure of watching The Good, the Bad and the Ugly the other night. What a treat! If you want to see why Clint Eastwood is a star and where Tarantino gets most of his genius from then Sergio Leone is the man to watch. This movie is phenomenal! I've seen it before in bits and pieces, but sitting down and watching the thing properly is an awe-inspiring experience...
Almost half way through the "Design of the Dead" script. It's going to need a fair bit of work to get it out of "writer's draft" (which translates as the "I'm not showing nobody" pass!) but I'm really looking forward to pushing ahead with that! The next two Stargate Atlantis episodes "Harmony" & "Trio" are really McKay heavy so I doubt I'm going to have much time to do more than just learn lines and sleep, but even with hiatus, DVD releases and babies fast approaching I'm still very eager to get back behind the camera!
September the 18th is the DVD release (in North America) for A Dog's Breakfast. Jane and Fox have been great about getting me out there for publicity and such, and we're really hoping that the film is well received. Big shout-out to the Dragon Con attendees:
keep an eye out for the "Rabid Breakfast Squirrels" who are sure to be pestering the masses about our puppy's DVD arrival! Thanks SO much for all that marketing muscle, now is the perfect time to be flexing! So, please make sure you rate, review and recommend A Dog's Breakfast anywhere you can online and please be sure write about and link to us whenever you can in all your blog/facebook/Myspace pages... and of course buy it for everyone you've ever met as Christmas presents ;-) Sorry we can't be in Atlanta with you...I'll have to get it on the schedule for '08...perhaps with the sproglett in tow? And please be sure to post some pictures for us poor souls who won't be able to come play with the dragons.
All the best!
Stargate Atlantis - TV Zone Magazine # 219 - David Hewlett Interview
From Visimag:
TV Zone #219, September 2007
(Reference #T219)
Scheduled publication date August 24 2007

Doctor Who (2000s) We preview the nearly nine month run of Who-related episodes…
• The Sarah Jane Adventures
• The Doctor Who Christmas Special
• Torchwood Season 2
• Doctor Who Season 4
Exclusive Interviews
Babylon 5 Actor Peter Woodward on returning to the role of Technomage Galen in the new straight-to-DVD releases The Lost Tales
Stargate Atlantis Star David Hewlett looks back on Season Three, a tragic loss, and the changes to come…
Eureka Astronaut turned mechanic Douglas Fargo stands out as a bit of a geek, as actor Neil Grayston tells us
The 4400 Young actress Conchita Campbell on playing gifted child Maya
Heroes New cast member Dania Ramirez drops a few subtle hints about the character she’ll be playing in Season Two
Rome Actor James Purefoy tells us about playing Marc Antony
The Company The starry cast of the spy drama, including Chris O’Donnell, Alfred Molina and Michael Keaton, reveal how it tells the decades-long story of the Cold War
Deep Thought Is the current flood of Supernatural dramas a sign of our violent times, or just proof that we like a good scare?
Primetime Damages Oscar winning actress Glenn Close explains why she’s committed herself to work in television for this new legal drama…
Retro Our continuing history of television asks why, after becoming an instant hit, Batman left our screens so quickly?
Radio Zone Doctor Who’s Nicholas Courtney and Terry Molloy arrive on BBC7 as MI:13’s comic paranormal investigators The Scarifyers
With regular and bang up-to-date TV reviews (15 episodes reviewed, including The 4400, Babylon 5, audio Blake's 7, Eureka, Hyperdrive), merchandise reviews, news
and much more…
Go to Web edition
Price: $7.99
TV Zone #219, September 2007
(Reference #T219)
Scheduled publication date August 24 2007

Doctor Who (2000s) We preview the nearly nine month run of Who-related episodes…
• The Sarah Jane Adventures
• The Doctor Who Christmas Special
• Torchwood Season 2
• Doctor Who Season 4
Exclusive Interviews
Babylon 5 Actor Peter Woodward on returning to the role of Technomage Galen in the new straight-to-DVD releases The Lost Tales
Stargate Atlantis Star David Hewlett looks back on Season Three, a tragic loss, and the changes to come…
Eureka Astronaut turned mechanic Douglas Fargo stands out as a bit of a geek, as actor Neil Grayston tells us
The 4400 Young actress Conchita Campbell on playing gifted child Maya
Heroes New cast member Dania Ramirez drops a few subtle hints about the character she’ll be playing in Season Two
Rome Actor James Purefoy tells us about playing Marc Antony
The Company The starry cast of the spy drama, including Chris O’Donnell, Alfred Molina and Michael Keaton, reveal how it tells the decades-long story of the Cold War
Deep Thought Is the current flood of Supernatural dramas a sign of our violent times, or just proof that we like a good scare?
Primetime Damages Oscar winning actress Glenn Close explains why she’s committed herself to work in television for this new legal drama…
Retro Our continuing history of television asks why, after becoming an instant hit, Batman left our screens so quickly?
Radio Zone Doctor Who’s Nicholas Courtney and Terry Molloy arrive on BBC7 as MI:13’s comic paranormal investigators The Scarifyers
With regular and bang up-to-date TV reviews (15 episodes reviewed, including The 4400, Babylon 5, audio Blake's 7, Eureka, Hyperdrive), merchandise reviews, news
and much more…
Go to Web edition
Price: $7.99
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