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Jaffa Fight Club
... This week just gone I've been in the recording studio working on the second series of Stargate audio adventures for the good people at Big Finish productions [Click Here to learn more].

First Prime is my third script for the audios, a Stargate SG-1 story featuring Christopher Judge as Teal'c and guest-starring Noel Clarke, the aforementioned ex-boyfriend of Rose Tyler, star of Kidulthood, Adulthood and a blazingly talented actor/writer/director.
Part of First Prime's plotline involves Teal'c and Noel's character Sebe't fighting with staff weapons, but without Chris in the studio, someone had to be his radio stunt double for some of the combat scenes - cue Jim. And so, I got to be Judge's stand-in, snarling and grunting, making oof! and rargh! noises. It's nice work if you can get it.
Apparently I was so good at it - or maybe it was just that I was the only spare body in the studio, who can say - that when Neil Roberts (who recently appeared in my Doctor Who audio Kingdom of Silver) came in to give his sterling performance in the forthcoming Stargate Atlantis audio The Kindness of Strangers, I got tapped once again, this time to play Doctor Carson Beckett, in lieu of Paul McGillion. Everyone was very generous about my attempts at a Scottish accent.