(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)
David Blue - Stargate Universe
By Clint Morris | March 7, 2010

In Stargate Universe (Sci Fi) David Blue plays Eli, a video-gamer whose rushed from the console to the Destiny within a couple of days. What’s Playing recently had the chance to catch up with the former Ugly Betty star and discuss what it’s like being involved in one of the most successful TV brands of all time.
Stargate Universe seems to be a lot more accessible to a wider audience, would you agree? And why do you think that is?
DB: "I think SGU is a great next step in the evolution of the world of Stargate. It keeps a toe-hold in the established mythology that fans of the previous incarnations have grown to love, but it also pushes the envelope in a way that opens the world up to the rest of the… well… world. It invites people who have never seen a single Stargate: SG1 or Stargate Atlantis episode to watch a new group of people in a crazy situation. You can watch SGU having never seen anything before, but the great thing is, if you have, you’ll see so many people, things and references that you can catch. I like to call them easter eggs."
.. Stargate Universe airs on the Sci Fi Channel