(Please follow the link for the complete blog update. There are new photos from SGA season four and a NEW video clip at the site.)

Thumbnail photo courtesy of Joseph Mallozzi. Large version at the blog site.
Monday, September 17, 2007
...I did find time to swing by set where the gals were cabled up and making like stage version Peter Pans. It's nice to see that Amanda has seemingly conquered her fear of heights - at least for the duration of this episode. Maybe I CAN get her [to] wrestle that alligator in the finale. And for all those interested, Harmony is
coming along nicely. With it, Midway, Kindred I and II, and Last Man closing out the season, there's no doubt that we'll certainly be finishing VERY strong.
Today's pics: Ivon on set, Alex corrals the little devil, tuxedo bars, too much fun.
Today's video: That's a Wrap!
Today's mailbag -
Anonymous #1 writes: " It seems as though, from some of your comments, as though you feel some disdain for GW."
Answer: Not at all. Gateworld does more to support our show than any other website out there. I responded the way I did because the individual who posted the comment referred specifically to something said on the Gateworld forums.
Kellie writes: " 1) Will we get to see Sheppard hit things/people with sticks in season 5? 2) How many episodes will Weir be in in season 4 and how much screen time will she have (in minutes and seconds, please) 3) Is Sam going to boss everyone around and make them cry? 4) Will McKay have more episodes gloriously dedicated to him than the million he had in season 3? 5) Do you like dogs? 6) When will Woolsey be voted Sexiest Man of the Year? 7) How does it feel to be more famous than asswipes like Moe Jacuzzi?"
Answers: 1) Yes. There will be at least one "stick upside the head" shot in every episode of season 5. 2) I have Carl working on the exact timing. 3) Yes. She will also kick Zelenka on two separate occasions. 4) Although we are only producing 20 episodes this season, 21 of them will be McKay-centered episodes. 5) No. The ones pictured on my blog are on loan to me. 6) 2007 sounds like a pretty good year. 7) Not bad. Not bad at all.
Anonymous #2 writes: "Could you please explain the reason behind dressing Sam up like a female Evil Knievel in the Promo pics?"
Answer: Sure. Everyone got leathers this season.