(Please follow the link for the complete interview transcript at Media Blvd. Magazine.)
Jamie Bamber Talks Galactica!

Audio Link
Friday, 13 June 2008
By Shaun Daily and Kenn Gold
Jamie Bamber, who plays Lee “Apollo” Adama on SCI FI’s Battlestar Galactica. visited TV Talk with ShauOMac to discuss the show, and the direction that the plot will be taking in this fourth and final season.

A brief excerpt:
Shaun> How do you feel about the evolution of the character? When we first say you and him in the miniseries, he was kind of an S.O.B. with a chip on his shoulder. The character has progressed so much. I think it’s probably the character that has evolved the most in the four years the show has been on the air.
Jamie> I don’t know, some of these characters have evolved so much, they’ve turned into robots. There isn’t that sort of dull short arc amongst any of the characters. It depends on which one you’re thinking about at any one moment, as to which one’s gone the furthest. But yeah, like all of them, he has grown up. His is a story, as I think everyone’s is, about identity and discovery and who you are in the face of tremendous adversity and these amazing events do force you into positions that you would never be in. It’s sort of life and death times a 100 and Lee’s been through that just as much as anybody, and had a few career choices. He’s unique in that he’s sort of stuck in this family. No body else is really in a family way at the beginning of the mini-series. He’s with his dad and forced into a relationship with his dad, that he’s kind of estranged and distanced himself from. And that’s why he walks on, and he’s very teen aged and kind of angsty and rebellious in the begging. And he gradually realizes there are more important things going on than his kind of personal issues with his father. But I think every character has had to change an awful lot. It doesn’t matter who you think about.