Julia makes an unexpected decision about college, as Claudia exposes a gay teacher; Charlie and Grace struggle with their a new relationship.

Stargate Universe season two premieres September 28 on Syfy.
Sanctuary returns September 28 with a 20 episode third season!
Michael Shanks: "No, actually, this is I think my fourth. I've been to Nuremberg, Frankfurt, Hamburg...so I think this is my fourth German convention. Where are we now? In Bonn, yes, thank you."
MS: "I would say they're in general -- that they're a lot more passionate about their show than in America. I've never been to Asia, so I'm not really sure about that market. So I'd say they're very similar to the UK in their passion for their genre shows. So, I think that that differs from the American audience."
MS: "I hope to say I'm not getting used to it, but it's always great. Every time I do it it's always an interesting experience, because I never have the same reaction to an audience, they're always their own unique animal. I think this audience is very similar in that way. It's always great. It's flattering you know. What are you supposed to do, smile and nod and answer the questions the best you can."
MS: "Oh boy! Uhm, there's a lot...I mean, there's a lot. Ten years of doing anything. We shoot the show nine months a year. There's a lot of memories. I mean, you know, empires have risen and fallen in the decade that we've done the show.
You know, people had entire careers in the real world, and with us it's no different. Babies have been born -- somebody did a count, and there was like 40 something babies on the set of Stargate. There were numerous deaths, not only people who worked on the show, but of relatives and things like that.
Almost every episode that we we've done is marked by some occurrence where you can always say, 'Hey, I remember.' That's when 9/11 happened. We were filming that ("Menace"). Or that's when Rick's (Richard Dean Anderson) dad passed away ("Lifeboat"). Or that's when I had my appendix taken out ("Crystal Skull").
Everything is kind of marked in some way by some occurrence and you can always -- you know, little secrets -- this is where Rick was written light in this episode because his daughter was born ("Spirits"), or this is when Daniel was written light because my daughter was born ("A Matter of Time") during that time.
This is where I asked for time off because another child was born ("Line in the Sand"). So there's all sorts of "in" jokes in the history of the show that go along with the making of it for ten years. The memories are too bountiful to pick just a couple of them."
MS: "Oh boy. In about a week I start filming a movie called "The Last Treasure of the Grand Canyon" in my old home town of Kamloops (Canada), which is doubling as the Grand Canyon. After that, I do a couple of episodes of Stargate Atlantis. And then Christopher Judge and I are carrying on producing, or trying to get produced, the script's been sold, for our project "Rage of Angels," which is a fantasy story where angels have battled it out on Earth. Where Christopher will be playing the Arch Angel Gabriel and I will be playing Lucifer. So hopefully that will be on television hopefully, but now we're hearing that they want to turn it into a feature. So we'll have to wait and see."
MS: "As I was saying before, in about three weeks I start filming two guest spots on Stargate Atlantis. And I have no idea what they planned for the character in that. But if they kill him, for good, I'm going to be very angry."
It was easier when Athena was on the planet pretending to be Boomer when she was in a barn or running through the woods. Boomer thought she was human, so she’d say, “Oh, my Gods.” Athena [knowing she’s a Cylon] would say, “Oh, my God.” There’s a bit of a schism with the Cylons…Sometimes they wouldn’t say whether it was Sharon or Athena, but you know she wouldn’t be hanging out with these characters [if she was the other character].
I don’t know. Do you guys think you’ll be happy with anything? This is Battlestar Galactica – a lot of people will die and there will be a lot of questions. But if you’ve liked it so far, you won’t be disappointed.
“They called in the fall and told me that we had been picked up for a fifth season,” recalls the actress, “and once contract negotiations began, they asked if I was willing to come on for more time. It’s a great show, a great cast, the hours are great… It’s a very easy set to be on but at the same time, there’s all these extreme situations that we’re playing out every week, so it’s kind of fun. You never really know what your character is going to go through next, so it’s a bit of a challenge as well, which is good. It shoots in my home town and I’ve bonded with everybody – I definitely wasn’t ready to say goodbye, so I was happy to keep exploring the character.”