From Joseph Mallozzi's
blog update for August 5, 2008:
(Please follow the link for the complete blog update. More NEW behind the scenes photos from SGA's 'Whispers.' - please follow the link to view the photos in their original format. And a Joe video!)
Dr. Alison Porter (Nicole DeBoer) and Maj. Anne Teldy (Christina Cox)August 5, 2008: You're all monsters! More guest bloggers! And today's Weird Food Purchase of the Day!**snippage**

Well, back in the office today and things are very quiet at The Bridge, partly because the cast and crew are away, shooting on location but mostly because yappy writers' room regular Martin Gero is off with them directing his first full episode of Stargate Atlantis. Lucky, lucky Rob Cooper, meanwhile, headed off on a location scout to South Okanagan this morning. To those of you unfamiliar with location scouts, they're a little like school field trips to potential shooting sites. Although, in today's case, the kids would have had to be at school for 5:30 a.m. and looked forward to a four and a half hour bus ride to a barren desert. Hell, beats the planetarium.
After lunch, we enjoyed the Day 2 Mix of Whispers. What a wonderfully spooky little episode. Great performances, terrific direction, and yet another marvelous score by Joel Goldsmith who is busy working on First Contact as I write this entry.
Dr. Carson Beckett (Paul McGillion) and Director Will WaringWell, it's been a whirlwind few weeks of special guest bloggers and there are many more to come. Director Andy Mikita, actress Lexa Doig, and writer/Executive Produce Carl Binder have kindly agreed to make time for us. As has one of our Directors of Photography, the affable Jim Menard. He, along with Michael Blundell, has helped Atlantis establish its unique visual style, from the cool blueness of the city interiors to the vivid luridness of the wraith hives. If you have any questions for Jim about his work here on the show, I know he'd love to hear from you so start posting.
Finally, a reminder that you have one week to finish Cordelia's Honor (or Shards of Honor at the very least) as discussion on the book(s) begins next Monday, August 11th. We'll be joined by four-time Hugo Award winner Lois McMaster Bujold, so get those questions ready.

Today's blog entry is dedicated to belated birthday girl Anais33. Bonne fete!
Today's pics: More from the set of Whispers.
Today's video: The Weird Food Purchase of the Day segment featuring Rose Petal Soda.

Shirt `n Tie writes: "How go plans re: Episode 100? You guys are wrapping in Sept….Will that be the last shoot?"
Answer: Paul is writing episode 100 as we speak. Looking ahead at the schedule, we'll wrap production here in Vancouver, then shoot our outstanding Vegas days down south to wrap the season.Jess writes: "Just wanted to know whatever happened to Jonas Quinn. In Season 10, it was mentioned that Langara fell to the Ori, but they never mentioned Jonas! Was he killed by the Ori, I know he wouldn't convert."
Answer: Although it was never officially touched upon, in my mind Jonas led the resistance against the Ori on his home world which was eventually freed from their influence after the events of The Ark of Truth. He is still very much alive and a leader among us his people.
Lt. Col. John Sheppard (Joe Flanigan), Sgt. Dusty Mehra (Janina Gavankar) and Maj. TeldyThor94 writes: "We will see again, the uknown aliens of this episode? [The Daedalus Variations]"
Answer: It's unlikely we'll see them again this season.
Kay also writes: "Maybe I should be asking what it is about the other characters that make you want to avoid any romance for them."
Answer: "I should add that Ronon will be pursuing romance as well this season."Also, some behind the scenes photos from 'The Daedalus Variations' from Mr. Mallozzi's
blog update from July 31 '08.