(Please follow the link for the complete blog update. There are new photos and a NEW video clip today.)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
**massive snippage**
Pics: On the set of Trio.
Video: Amanda questioning my ability to read and film behind-the-scenes footage at the same time.

Photo is a screencap of Amanda Tapping, Jewel Staite, David Hewlett and director Martin Wood from the video clip.
Mailbag -
Elizabeth writes: "Are there going to be any Jack and Sam moments in either Atlantis season four or the movies, Ark of Truth or Continuum?"
Answer: Jack will not be making an appearance in season four of Atlantis.
Anonymous #4 writes: "Will we get any evil or whumped Carter in Atlantis this season?"
Answer: Whumped Carter? Oh, yes.
Elizabeth writes: "1) Did you mean three pregnancies in Stargate Atlantis season four? If so,who?"
Answer: Rachel, David's wife, and, of course, Jason became a proud papa this season.
Nathan writes: " So. Whatever happened to Ben Browder? I know this post wont make it to the published list, unless you want to edit that name out.."
Answer: No need to edit the name out as I'll field the comment to make a point. Ben is presently working on a project for SciFi, a mini-series which he wrote. In my time working with him on SG-1, he was nothing if not professional, easy-going, and incredibly amiable. He would hang around the set, even after he'd wrapped, to see how the ensuing scenes played out or stick around for his off-camera dialogue. In this business, it's really hard to figure out who is genuine and who isn't. Well, the easiest way to find out is to go to the source. Forget the actors and the producers and the directors. Ask the crew who work on the show day in and day out. They'll tell you who the genuinely nice guys and gals are. And I can guarantee you that our crew will tell you Ben Browder was definitely one.
Anonymous #3 writes: "Your entry today makes me wonder, has any actor not been considered for a role because of his/her personality or known/reputed inability to get along with others?"
Answer: Oh yeah. We have a term for it: "LTS" - life's too short. Why waste your time on someone who is going to make everyone miserable if you don't have to?