Courtesy of HULU, The Invisible Man's season one finale, 'It's A Small World,' starring Vincent Ventresca, Paul Ben-Victor, Shannon Kenny, Eddie Jones and Brandy Ledford. Guest stars include Idalis DeLeon, Sonya Eddy and Greg Fitzpatrick.
The Chrysalis organization implants a computer virus-like bug into Darien's bloodstream that enables them to follow his every move.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Stargate Atlantis - GateWorld: Writer Alan McCullough Audio Interview
From GateWorld:
(Please follow the link to download the audio interview and/or read the transcript at GateWorld.)
GateWorld talks with Alan McCullough

Photo courtesy of GateWorld
He's been working on and off with Stargate since the ninth season of SG-1. Now, in his second year as a full-time staff member, Co-producer and writer Alan McCullough catches up with GateWorld for what is not turning out to be a sophomore slump, but the opposite!
McCullough has written several SG-1 episodes including "Prototype," "Stronghold" and "Insiders." Last season of Atlantis he was responsible for "Tabula Rasa" and "The Seer," among others. Now in Season Five, he tells GateWorld about his latest scripts and some of the others he is seeing come down the pike.
Our interview with Alan runs 20 minutes. You may listen at your leisure, download to your MP3 player, or read the transcript [at the link above]!
A brief excerpt:
GW: We're just a few weeks starting into production of Season Five. Any early thoughts?
(Please follow the link to download the audio interview and/or read the transcript at GateWorld.)
GateWorld talks with Alan McCullough

Photo courtesy of GateWorld
He's been working on and off with Stargate since the ninth season of SG-1. Now, in his second year as a full-time staff member, Co-producer and writer Alan McCullough catches up with GateWorld for what is not turning out to be a sophomore slump, but the opposite!
McCullough has written several SG-1 episodes including "Prototype," "Stronghold" and "Insiders." Last season of Atlantis he was responsible for "Tabula Rasa" and "The Seer," among others. Now in Season Five, he tells GateWorld about his latest scripts and some of the others he is seeing come down the pike.
Our interview with Alan runs 20 minutes. You may listen at your leisure, download to your MP3 player, or read the transcript [at the link above]!
A brief excerpt:
GW: We're just a few weeks starting into production of Season Five. Any early thoughts?
AM: It's great! We've got a whole new batch of stories. It always amazes me that we can come up with new material after so many seasons of Stargate SG-1 and then Stargate Atlantis. There's some really exciting stories coming up.
Season Four introduced new characters, and challenges for old ones. We had a really strong season in Season Four. Season Four was my first season so I was thinking, "Oh, maybe sophomore slump." And it was also Joe [Mallozzi] and Paul's [Mullie] first season as show runners. I had some concerns at the beginning that we were going to get into a sophomore slump. But the cuts we've seen so far are fantastic.
The two-parter, the first part of the two-parter that Martin [Gero] just wrote this week is amazing. It's going to be an incredible teaser for the second part. There's some great stories in between as well. We're wrapping up some storylines and opening up new ones.
Stargate Atlantis - NEW Video Clip - Joe Flanigan in action!
On Joe Mallozzi's blog update for June 3, 2008, Joe has embedded a brief behind-the-scenes video clip (17 seconds) from Stargate Atlantis' fifth season episode, 'Whispers,' that features Joe Flanigan (as John Sheppard), and I think Christina Cox (as Maj. Anne Teldy) and one other personnel, firing at pursuers, and fleeing through a foggy forest.

Battlestar Galactica - Video: Sneak Peek of 'The Hub'
Courtesy of the SciFi Channel and HULU, a sneak peek of Battlestar Galactica's June 6th episode, 'The Hub.'
Watch this clip of this week's episode of Battlestar Galactica and tune in to Battlestar Galactica every Friday at 10/9C on SCI FI.
Watch this clip of this week's episode of Battlestar Galactica and tune in to Battlestar Galactica every Friday at 10/9C on SCI FI.
Battlestar Galactica - Video: Recap of 'Sine Qua Non'
Courtesy of the SciFi Channel and HULU, a recap of Battlestar Galactica's 'Sine Qua Non.'
Watch a one-minute recap of episode 410, "Sine Qua Non".
Watch a one-minute recap of episode 410, "Sine Qua Non".
Stargate Atlantis - Paul McGillion Interview
[NOTE: I wrote Craig McGill, and asked about the status of Paul's interview, as Mr. McGill changed web addresses, and the interview was "lost" in the move. Mr. McGill just e-mailed me with the new url for the interview. Thank you!]
From Craig McGill:
(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)
The Paul McGillion Interview
Posted in June 3rd, 2008

by Craig in WTF?
Here’s one for fans of Sexy Scotsmen then. As those tripping over this via a Google Link may know, I interviewed Paul McGillion of Stargate: Atlantis fame earlier in 2008 for the Scottish Sun newspaper. I waited a while to see if it would run but it didn’t before I moved on to bigger and brighter things.
I felt duty-bound not to rush it onto the site and give The Sun a chance to run it, but it never seemed to appear. And then my laptop died. And then the website went slightly dead due to some halfwit trying to upgrade to Wordpress 2.5 and making a howler of it.
Anyway, as the website is now, getting back to life slowly - and it’s nearly six months on from when I went to interview Paul - it seems a decent enough time has passed. So here’s the Paul McGillion interview, not as it would have appeared in The Sun, but a mix of questions I asked for the fans, along with the Sun version and wee bits I can remember.
(for those who are about to moan that the article contains a lot of stuff Paul fans already know, all I would say is wheesht: this was written for a mainstream audience and Paul hasn’t had a lot of exposure over in Scotland - or the UK actually, so it’s a flavour of the man. In fact there’s a question, what flavour would Paul be?)
(and if the fans don’t mind, instead of lifting the interview, could they just post the link back here please?)
(also have to say: great interview with Paul here)
Useless factoid before we begin: I posted up an interview with Iain Banks/Iain M Banks and that attracted moderate interest. Those hits were nothing - a dot on a pin on a dotted thing - compared to what happened when Paul’s name went on it.
From Craig McGill:
(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)
The Paul McGillion Interview
Posted in June 3rd, 2008

by Craig in WTF?
Here’s one for fans of Sexy Scotsmen then. As those tripping over this via a Google Link may know, I interviewed Paul McGillion of Stargate: Atlantis fame earlier in 2008 for the Scottish Sun newspaper. I waited a while to see if it would run but it didn’t before I moved on to bigger and brighter things.
I felt duty-bound not to rush it onto the site and give The Sun a chance to run it, but it never seemed to appear. And then my laptop died. And then the website went slightly dead due to some halfwit trying to upgrade to Wordpress 2.5 and making a howler of it.
Anyway, as the website is now, getting back to life slowly - and it’s nearly six months on from when I went to interview Paul - it seems a decent enough time has passed. So here’s the Paul McGillion interview, not as it would have appeared in The Sun, but a mix of questions I asked for the fans, along with the Sun version and wee bits I can remember.
(for those who are about to moan that the article contains a lot of stuff Paul fans already know, all I would say is wheesht: this was written for a mainstream audience and Paul hasn’t had a lot of exposure over in Scotland - or the UK actually, so it’s a flavour of the man. In fact there’s a question, what flavour would Paul be?)
(and if the fans don’t mind, instead of lifting the interview, could they just post the link back here please?)
(also have to say: great interview with Paul here)
Useless factoid before we begin: I posted up an interview with Iain Banks/Iain M Banks and that attracted moderate interest. Those hits were nothing - a dot on a pin on a dotted thing - compared to what happened when Paul’s name went on it.
Firefly - Video: 'Out of Gas'
Courtesy of HULU, Firefly's 'Out of Gas,' starring Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres, Alan Tudyk, Morena Baccarin, Adam Baldwin, Jewel Staite, Sean Maher, Summer Glau and Ron Glass. Guest stars include Steven Flynn, Ilia Volokh and Lyle Kanouse.
The Serenity engine explodes, leaving the ship low in oxygen and causing Mal to have delusions and flashbacks that pieces together his present.
The Serenity engine explodes, leaving the ship low in oxygen and causing Mal to have delusions and flashbacks that pieces together his present.
Stargate Atlantis - MGM Stargate: Close Up: David Hewlett
From MGM Stargate:
Close Up: David Hewlett
(Please follow the link for the complete MGM Stargate article/interview.)
June 3, 2008 (Actors)
We saw him spend his life setting right a wrong at the end of season four – so what's Stargate Atlantis' fifth year got in store for Dr. Rodney McKay?

Photo courtesy of MGM Stargate
A brief excerpt:
David Hewlett, the actor behind the ever-irritating and indeed, irritated, Dr. Rodney McKay, is enjoying his first period of `down time' since filming on Stargate Atlantis' fifth season began. According to Hewlett, McKay is having quite a time of it this year – and he's happy to tell us all about it.
Close Up: David Hewlett
(Please follow the link for the complete MGM Stargate article/interview.)
June 3, 2008 (Actors)
We saw him spend his life setting right a wrong at the end of season four – so what's Stargate Atlantis' fifth year got in store for Dr. Rodney McKay?

Photo courtesy of MGM Stargate
A brief excerpt:
David Hewlett, the actor behind the ever-irritating and indeed, irritated, Dr. Rodney McKay, is enjoying his first period of `down time' since filming on Stargate Atlantis' fifth season began. According to Hewlett, McKay is having quite a time of it this year – and he's happy to tell us all about it.
"It's been amazing," he says, with obvious enthusiasm. "I've got my first break; there's an episode, `Whispers', where I just have a couple of cute little scenes with the lovely and talented Paul McGillion, so I've actually had a few days off. But it's been amazing. The episode I'm most excited about so far is called `The Shrine,' which we've just finished shooting. It's Brad Wright's triumphant return to writing scripts for Atlantis, and it's just great. It's a really meaty McKay episode, but the great thing about Brad is that he may write episodes that are kind of McKay-centered, but he's so good at bringing in all the other characters as well. So it's just a great ensemble piece where I get to do some acting," he laughs. "I love running around shooting things and techno babble and all, but it's just nice to go, `Wow, I actually have to act…' I can't just have fun I actually have to do some serious work!"
Richard Dean Anderson - TWO movies repeated on LMN in June
Two of Richard Dean Anderson's made-for-tv movies from the 90's are repeated in June on LMN - the Lifetime MOVIE Network.
Beyond Betrayal - LMN - Sat Jun 7 '08 - 6pm

Airing Saturday, June 7 at pm on LMN - Lifetime MOVIE Network -- be sure to confirm the times with your local listings -- the '94 made-for-TV movie, "Beyond Betrayal," starring Richard Dean Anderson and Susan Dey.
Richard stars as a sociopathic cop searching for the estranged wife he has abused, played by Susan Dey. Although she has gone into hiding, she is unable to escape the threat he poses, both to her, and to the new man in her life.
This is one of Mr. Anderson's few "dark roles" -- and he provides a chilling performance, as his character, Bradley Matthews, journeys further away from redemption.

Filmed in Vancouver, BC, Canada, there are some other familiar faces from Stargate SG-1 in the cast, including: Tamsin Kelsey (Thor's Hammer and Thor's Chariot), Jerry Wasserman (Touchstone and Inauguration) and Robin Mossley (Window of Opportunity and Morpheus).
From Entertainment Tonight in 1994, a video clip with Richard Dean Anderson and Susan Dey on the set of "Beyond Betrayal," as they perform a stunt in the movie, with the assistance of Dan Shea. (The quality of the video is not perfect, my apologies.)
Beyond Betrayal - LMN - Sat Jun 7 '08 - 6pm

Airing Saturday, June 7 at pm on LMN - Lifetime MOVIE Network -- be sure to confirm the times with your local listings -- the '94 made-for-TV movie, "Beyond Betrayal," starring Richard Dean Anderson and Susan Dey.
Richard stars as a sociopathic cop searching for the estranged wife he has abused, played by Susan Dey. Although she has gone into hiding, she is unable to escape the threat he poses, both to her, and to the new man in her life.
This is one of Mr. Anderson's few "dark roles" -- and he provides a chilling performance, as his character, Bradley Matthews, journeys further away from redemption.

Filmed in Vancouver, BC, Canada, there are some other familiar faces from Stargate SG-1 in the cast, including: Tamsin Kelsey (Thor's Hammer and Thor's Chariot), Jerry Wasserman (Touchstone and Inauguration) and Robin Mossley (Window of Opportunity and Morpheus).
From Entertainment Tonight in 1994, a video clip with Richard Dean Anderson and Susan Dey on the set of "Beyond Betrayal," as they perform a stunt in the movie, with the assistance of Dan Shea. (The quality of the video is not perfect, my apologies.)
Highlander - Video: 'Revenge of the Sword'
Courtesy of HULU, Highlander's 'Revenge of the Sword,' starring Adrian Paul, Philip Akin and Stan Kirsch. Guest stars include Frank Crudele, Robert Ito, Mina E. Mina, Dustin Nguyen and Debbie Podowski.
Jimmy Sang, a martial arts movie star, is filming in the dojo. When a stuntman is killed, MacLeod realizes that Jimmy's life is in danger.
Jimmy Sang, a martial arts movie star, is filming in the dojo. When a stuntman is killed, MacLeod realizes that Jimmy's life is in danger.
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