Sense of Wonder: "Farscape" Story Now Online

Posted by Steve Biodrowski on 20 Mar 2008
Since the current version of Cinefantastique Online went live last August, we have concentrated mostly on current news and reviews, while only occasionally dipping into the vast reservoir of material available in back issues of the magazine. Gradually, we plan to post more of that material into our online archives, making it accessible
to fans who have not been able to find their favorite back issues in used book stores. When possible, we may include updated or extended versions of the articles, including material that had to be cut for length when printed.
Today, we take our first step in this direction with "FARSCAPE: Season Three." Anna L. Kaplan's in-depth article, which details the trials and travails of the Sci Fi Channel series, was originally intended as a cover story, but appeared in the June 2002 issue of Cinefantastique (34:3-4), with Spider-Man on the the cover. Enjoy!
We have added this interview with actress Claudia Black, who played Aeryn Sun on the show.

And this interview with actor Ben Browder, who played John Crichton.
And this interview with executive producer David Kemper.