(Please follow the link to view ALL the NEW behind-the-scenes photos of the SGU Icaraus Base in their original format.)
May 3, 2009: Transforming Stage 5 From Stargate Command to Icarus Base

Follow Carl down the new-look corridor on Stage 5. Hang a left, up the stairs, and you’re in the control room.
Back in early February, Carl [Binder] and I wandered down to Stage 5 to check out the work in progress. After 11+ years as Stargate Command - gate room, control room, briefing room, and General’s office - it was finally undergoing a complete transformation. The control room and gate room, once separated by fictional wall, glass, and sliding blast doors, was now an open expanse, a metal walkway running from the nerve center directly through the gate. The surrounding corridors and control room had been given a new paint treatment, with touches of protruding rock suggestive of a rough and recent off-world construction. The upstairs briefing room had been emptied of its SGC trappings. Gone was that old table that served us well for countless years, chipped and scratched in so many places that directors were forced to choose their camera angles judiciously. The vast window that once looked down on the gate had been walled up. In a few short days, it would be a dining area. And, a month after that, the headquarters of Homeworld Command.
I was admittedly wistful. After all, I’d written for those standing sets for seven great years and, suddenly, they were gone. But eventually, as the new sets took shape, that initial melancholy gave way to excitement at the prospect of the upcoming Stargate: Universe series and the third SG-1 movie. Over the course of the next few weeks, the sets were finished and, as impressive as they were on those casual strolls, they were ten times more impressive once properly lit and engaged. And then ten times more impressive than that when we first saw them in dailies.
For now, I leave you with pics of the early stages of construction, Stargate Extreme Home Makeover - Phase 1.…

The bay window view down to the gate room is re-imagined.