(NOTE: I have a new computer! At last! Cable internet connection -- where’s my seat belt?)
From Yahoo TV:
Stargate Atlantis - Season Four
# Title Time Description
74 Rodney Makes An 'Atlantis' Proposal 1:00
Rodney wants to propose to Katie and shows off the diamond ring he picked up for her during his visit to Earth.
Stargate Atlantis' "Quarantine" airs Friday, January 18 at 10pm on the SciFi Channel (US).
I've typed a transcript and made some screenprints from Yahoo's video clip:
Shepard and Rodney in Rodney’s lab, Shepard is seated in front of a laptop, and may be playing computer golf:
Shep: “I can do a nine, the course is a par three.”

Rodney: “No, Katie’s expecting me.”
Shep: “Be late. Women like it when guys are late.”
Rodney: “No they don’t. And I can’t be late, not for this lunch.”
Shep: “Why is that?”
Rodney: “Can you keep a secret?
Shep: “No.”
Rodney (reaching into pocket and pulling out a ring case): “Great! I, uh, I got this on my last trip to Earth. I feel it’s time that Katie and I move the relationship to the next level.”

Shep: “Second base?”
Rodney: “No…marriage!”
Shep: “Really?”
Rodney: “Yes.”
Shep: “You do?”
Rodney: “Yes!”
Shep: “Married?”

Rodney: “What, you don’t think I’m ready? You think I’m…I’m rushing things?”
Shep: “I didn’t say that…”
Rodney: “Well, I’m not. I’m not ready to set a date or anything…”
Shep: “Is that a diamond?”
Rodney: “Yes, an eighth of a carat actually. Mounting was free. And got a good deal on it, actually”
Shep: “Oh, I’m sure you did.”
Rodney: “All right, so…(pulls off ear communication device)…here I go.!

Shep: “I’ll buy you a beer later and we can celebrate.”
Rodney: “Or drown my sorrows should she say no.”
Shep: “No, no, none of that.”
Rodney: “Right.”
Shep: “Well, go get the girl.”

Rodney: “Oh.”
Teyla (very pregnant) walks in.

Teyla: “Hello…”
Rodney, running by: “Can’t talk.”