(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer's James Marsters guests at Supernova Pop Culture Expo
by Neala Johnson Herald Sun April 15, 2010

JAMES Marsters - the man best known to millions of Buffy the Vampire obsessives as Spike - is in Melbourne to attend the Supanova Pop Culture Expo at the Royal Melbourne Showgrounds from Friday April 16 -Sunday April 18.
The fan event also features Star Trek Kiwi Karl Urban, Parker Lewis himself, Corin Nemec, Twilight wolf-boy Alex Meraz, a bunch of comic book creators and more.
Herald Sun Hit caught up with Marsters before he flew to Australia, interrupting a Marsters family jam session. “My son, my father and I are all playing ukulele, it’s crazy,” Marsters said.
Marsters, who has also appeared in the film Dragonball, and TV shows including Torchwood, Smallville, Caprica and Without a Trace, had just returned home from shooting a new Hawaii Five-O pilot on the American island.
There are clips on YouTube of you and your son, Sullivan, performing acoustic songs, but your father gets in on the act too?
JM: "He started the whole thing. He’s been looking for a baritone ukulele for years but they didn’t make them anymore in America – or I couldn’t find one. I found myself, surprisingly, in Hawaii for a few weeks and I was able to track one down, so he’s a very happy man. I’m not a ukulele player by nature, but apparently the size of your ukulele is very important..."