From MGM Stargate:
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Fight Club
November 13, 2007 (Episodes)

In this week's episode ("Missing"), Teyla Emmagan finds herself up against not one, but two groups of opponents eager to stop the Athosian warrior in her tracks. When she discovers that her people are missing and a tribe of fierce hunters called the Bola Kai now occupy their settlement, Teyla is determined to find out what happened to them. But first she has to keep herself and Doctor Keller safe until Atlantis realizes they are missing and sends help.
Teyla's fights – and, more recently, Ronon's – have always been one of Stargate: Atlantis' trademarks. They are the brainchild of James Bamford, the show's stunt coordinator. It's his job to take the writer's words from the script and realize the fight sequences for the camera.
"The script specifically said that she was armed with a stick and a knife," he says, of this week's episode. "They got the idea from previous training sequences that we'd done in other seasons. When you have a stick in one hand and a knife in one hand, there are specific techniques that are used in a fight sequence. Teyla's got her own style, so I stay with movements that we've [already] done – not completely the same techniques, we don't copy things over and over again, but I stay with her style that we've seen in the past."