(Please follow the link for the complete blog update. There are new photos [lots of them] from on location filming from "Outcast," and a new video clip.]
Friday, September 21, 2007
...From there, it was a mere five minute walk to the trucks and the P.A. who pointed us toward director Andy Mikita's location - and another ten minute walk across the soggy, squelching grounds to where they were setting up the first shot. As per script:
Nancy strolls up to a park bench. Sheppard is there waiting. He stands to greet her."
Well, not exactly as per script. It was raining and while the inclement weather wouldn't change the dialogue, it did pose a problem for the EXT. WASHINGTON D.C. - DAY establishing shot that preceded the scene. No matter. After a few seconds of discussion, we decided to use a dissolve instead to convey the time cut. The rain also influenced how the scene was to be shot. I'm sure that when Alan envisioned the scene, he didn't imagine Sheppard and his ex-wife holding umbrellas. And yet it was pouring rain on the day. But umbrellas led to another problem - obscuring our actors unless they held them up, clear of their faces, in aerial-Poppinesque less-than-natural positions. After more discussion, and some re-positioning, the decision was made to go with the umbrellas. We ran through the dialogue a couple of times and, finally, Andy yelled action. We got one shot in at which point Joe threw a look back at the camera: "The rains letting up. Want to try it without umbrellas?" More discussion. Yet another executive decision is reached. We're going without the umbrellas!
**more snippage**
Okay. Seven days and counting. Did you tell you friends, family, co-workers, and acquaintances to tune in? Did you manage to track down our cousin's girlfriend's aunt's neighbor with the Nielsen box and tell them to watch? Great! Then we're all set.
Before we get to the questions, if I may direct your attention over to eBay where the show is selling a duffle bag that made the journey to the Arctic for the Continuum shoot and was signed by all the major Continuum players including General O'Neill himself: Richard Dean Anderson. The money raised will go toward helping out Trey, the 3 year old son of our Atlantis Steadicam Operator, Ryan Purcell. Find
out about Trey, his battle with Hunter's Syndrome, and the Authentic North Face Base Camp Duffle Bag (limited to one of two) by following the link -
Stargate Duffle Bag
[NOTE: If you can't afford to place a bid on the duffle bag(s) -- the current bid is $650.00 US -- information about donations are available at:]
Today's pics: Outcast.
Today's video: See Joe Flannigan and Emma Lahana almost rehearse.

Photo is a screencap from today's video clip.
Today's mail:
Arctic Goddess writes: "How is the rise of the Canadian dollar affecting production of Atlantis?"
Answer: It's not affecting production this year because we locked in at the beginning of the season. Next year is a different story however.
Tired of Genii Involved Stories: "Any chance the Travelers are on that "short" list? If not, why was there all the talk about "a new, powerful race" and they are only in two episodes?"
Answer: This new race was just one of the many elements we talked about with regard to season four.
Stargate Groupie writes: "Can we expect to see any cool fighting scenes featuring Ronon this season?"
Answer: Oh, yes. Very early in season four in fact.