(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)
Exclusive Interview with Lou Diamond Phillips
January 2010
Conducted by Lindsay Holmes

Lindsay Holmes: Thank you for agreeing on a follow up interview for the Lou Diamond Phillips Blvd website. The site has now been up and running for over 10 years, and in that time it has been a pleasure following your career and achievements.
...LH: You are seen alot more on the small screen, with your appearances in Stargate Universe, and as Agent Ian Edgerton in Numb3rs, do you have any more episodes planned? Is TV a medium you enjoy doing?
LDP: I just finished a brief appearance on 'Numb3rs' for the season finale. Hopefully, it won't be the last episode ever and we can look forward to a return in the fall. I go back to Vancouver in March to start the second season of Stargate Universe. I am hugely looking forward to that since I truly admire and adore that cast and crew. I also think the writers are doing a bang up job and give us mind-blowing things to do. As far as working in TV, the writing, production values and acting are all comparable with making movies, you just have to do it a little faster. Plus, I love being able to stay put in one place for a while. Doing a lot of films in a year requires a huge amount of travel and inevitably takes me far away from the family. Fortunately, Vancouver is close and Yvonne and Indigo usually travel with me. It's like a homecoming for her and, as I said, the town holds a special place for us. I'll have to get the big girls up there this season whenever their school schedule allows...