MGM Stargate's trailer for "
Spoilers of War" Atlantis' "
Spoils of War" airs Friday, January 11 at 10pm on the SciFi Channel (US).

Amanda Tapping: "Hi, I'm Amanda Tapping from Stargate Atlantis. Be sure to watch this week's episode, "Spoils of War."

Clip of wraith darts flying over Atlantis.
Clip of several wraith on the bridge of a Wraith hive ship.
Wraith #1 to Todd (the Wraith): "Commander, we must jump into hyperspace."

Todd (the Wraith): "Not until I get what I came for!"

Clip (from BAMSR) of the space battle over the replicator planet, and the replicator bits streaming down to the planet, to marry up with the replicator blob.

Clip of Teyla, sitting in the front passenger seat, on a puddle jumper, looking to someone at her left (the pilot, who appears to be Shep).

Teyla: "Do you understand why I can not just stay in Atlantis and do nothing?"
Clip of Shep sitting in the pilot's seat on a puddle jumper looking to his right.

Clip of a puddle jumper orbiting a planet.

Clip of Ronon standing in what appears to be a Wraith hive ship.
Ronon: "Looks like they were fed on."

Clip of what appears to be a Wraith hive ship organic wall, with a flashlight beam seen approaching from the other side…

Clip of Rodney, Shep, and Ronon in what appears to be a Wraith hive ship, looking at something…
Rodney (with disgust): "Oh, that's just revolting…"

Shep: "What is it?"

Clip of Todd (the Wraith) in a holographic transmission.
Todd (the Wraith): "I will tell you everything, but you must allow me on board."

Clip of several Wraith drones firing their weapons at someone onboard a Wraith hive ship.

Clip of Todd (the Wraith) ducking behind a Wraith hive ship hull wall, dodging Wraith blaster fire, and Ronon, leaping out from behind another wall, firing back towards whoever is firing on Todd.

Clip of Teyla, sitting on something in a Wraith hive ship, hands at her abdomen, her face in pain, and Major Lorne kneeling at her left side, asking:

Maj. Lorne (to Teyla): "Teyla, are you okay?"

SGA Title card.

Announcer Voice Over: "Stargate Atlantis. Watch it live Fridays at 10 on SciFi!"