My Favourite Line!
Written by dgeek
Thursday, 23 August 2007
Between rounds of gunfire, burning debris and Rambo-nerd acting and in a desperate bid to keep in touch I've resorted to video yet again.
Just uploaded this to Youtube for your enjoyment:

It's amazing, Mars just makes it look so easy!
And previous entries from his Twitter site:
My favourite line Season - Four Episode 1 "Adrift"
Gunfire in studio 3! I'm a Rambo-nerd!
Life cast and a whole whack of interviews completed...I'll tell you, the whole face casting thing is a lot easier than my "Pin" days!
Back from Bellingham...great stuff...and NO homework?! My kind of I better go learn my lines for Monday!
Weekend classes...seemed like a good idea when it was a long way in the future! Now it's just Sat. and early!
they're booking me for a life cast! apparently i'm to get very old.
Terminal city yesterday & today...guns and wraith and spark hits. It's hot...too hot for my leather "stealth" jacket ;-)
We've got an old friend on set this week! Won't you be Mchappy ;-)
Nice walk around the harbour. Mars had to go and roll in some kind of "matter" so we all got to shower under the garden hose on our return!