From David Hewlett's 'A Dog's Breakfast' blog update from April 28, 2008: follow the link for the complete blog update, embedded video clips, and to view the photos in their original full-size, higher-resolution format.)
Big WheelsDavid Hewlett and Mars
Written by dgeek
Monday, 28 April 2008
Was playing around on the other morning (Will Ferrell's short is what got me there...brilliant!) and thought I might as well put up the "A Dog's Breakfast" trailer...I know, I know, you've seen it all before, but if you're visiting can I ask the usual? Please give us a "funny" rating, a favourtie and/or a comment...and then feel free to check out what I've favourited and have a giggle...ah the fun you can have in the early dawn while Baz hurls peaches,bananas and oatmeal around the kitchen!
David and friend
Got the Bike! Did I mention the bike I got...I got a bike! Jane, Baz, the mutt and I were out for hours tooling around, stopping for ice cream, stopping for coffee...actually we did a lot of stopping on our bike around towing the "Baz Mobile"...yes, not to be left out Sebastian bought me a chariot of his own for me to tow around. Not sure exactly how that is a present for me, but I do get a certain glee whizzing around the Point watching the wide-eyed Baz trying to catch insects in his wide open mouth (there's a screen on this baby so he's not actually going to have to eat the things)...
David and Sebastian "Baz"

They've been shooting "Whispers" mainly second unit for the last few days but I did get a chance to catch up with one of my favourite actresses ever - Nicole DeBoer who is guest starring opposite McGillion (lucky devil!) in the episode. Haven't spoken to her since "Cube" and I'm really hoping that she'll be back on Atlantis shortly!
Finishing up "The Queen" (poor Rachel with all those prosthetics!) and looking forward to some great outdoors fun in the lovely and talented Carl Binder's episode "Tracker". Will Warring (who some of you may know as the camera operator on "A Dog's Breakfast"...okay, and he directed a few Atlantis episodes too apparently ;-) will bring his usual wicked sense of humour and Zenlike calm as Director (when I'm not trying to avoid biting bugs, I will bring down my merciless teasing upon him). Carl has decided to throw the whole episode at one on one time between Ronan and McKay as they try to rescue Keller from a mysterious new fella! Action and banter galore...can't wait (where's the bug spray?)!
Still haven't got my hands on a copy of "Ark of Truth", but I did get myself a copy of "Continuum"...and how sweet it is! Incredible action sequences and lots of your SG1 favourites. Thumbs up from Hewlett and congrats to Brad Wright and Martin Wood on a fantastic job! Now how about an Atlantis Movie...what am I thinking?!...I mean McKay - The Movie!? ;-)
David, Jane and Baz
lots of love!