(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)

AU: Stargate Atlantis Season 4 Comes to DVD
Joe Flanigan talks with us about the series.
by Oscar Hillerstrom, IGN AU
Australia, September 2, 2008 - As far as heroes come, they don't come any more straight forward than Stargate: Atlantis' Colonel John Sheppard, as played by Joe Flanigan. Cool in a crisis, dry of wit, resourceful, yet ultimately, just an ordinary guy, he's a charming chap who's never going to leave a team member behind, and will never give up, no matter the odds.
The one thing that strikes you as odd when you meet the actor who plays Sheppard is that either he's the perfect actor, or he's perfectly cast, because he seems to have the easy, heroic charm of a man who's looked death in the face, made a sarcastic and rather wry quip, and then gone on to save the world and himself anyway. It's quite an unnerving quality, but it's something that doesn't take long to get used to, and before long you're yapping away like chums discussing a hard day at the office – or in his case, a hard day fighting off The Wraith, Replicators and all manner of intergalactic foe that threaten Atlantis on a daily basis.
We chatted with him about Season 4 (which comes out this week on DVD) and a little bit on Season 5.
IGN AU: What's it like having a new boss in Season 5?
Joe Flanigan: Our hot new female lead, Robert Picardo! I guess we were expecting an adversarial relationship, but it didn't work that way. It was generally constructive, however. The writers like to make sure that people don't get along. We found a moderate form of that, where he likes to be the peacock, where he likes to be in charge, stick to protocol, but when you close the doors, there's a sense of humility, and he doesn't know quite what he's doing, and he looks for advice. We've had a few scenes together - it's not all that different from the relationship that me and Amanda (Amanda Tapping, who played Samantha Carter, head of Stargate: Atlantis in Season 4) had – Amanda's perfect, on screen and off screen.
To be honest with you, it's quite smart. If he came in too bombastic, it wouldn't work. It would be fun to have that bureaucratic antagonist, messing with us, we need a loathsome bureaucratic personality...