From Joseph Mallozzi's blog update for September 3, 2007: follow the link for the complete update. Photos (from the location filming for "Harmony") include scenery, Joe Flanigan and David Hewlett on a coffee break, Joe F. smiling, Joe F. and Jodelle Ferland, Director Will Waring and 1st Assistant Director Alex Pappas and crew. Today's video: Director Will Waring sizes up the day.)

Video clip link:
action=view¤t=Willsizesuptheday.flvMonday, September 3, 2007
Today's pics: Yep. More Harmony.
Mailbag -
PG15 writes: "Can we expect extreme damage for one of the Atlantis vehicles in the near future?"
Answer: Extreme to say the least. Yep.
Jedi writes: "Will we find out if Sheppard has any siblings in S4?"
Answer: We will in Outcast.
Kath in Baltimore writes: "Is it common for a producer to go along on every location shoot?"
Answer: Some productions have on-set producers but, in the case of Stargate, our experienced directors are de facto on-set producers. Still, with my script work and editing duties complete, I am now free to go out on location and answer script-related questions or badger the director.
Majorsal writes: "How much chocolate would i have to bribe you with to insure those 12 outtakes of the 'grace' kiss would make it to a video?"
Answer: Sorry. SG-1 outtakes are out of my hands.
Redtwin writes: "Why is "Outcast" being rewritten?"
Answer: No script is perfect in its first draft so, yes, all scripts are rewritten to various degrees.
Anna writes: "Do you happen to know if Jonas was killed in season 9 when Kelowna fell to the Ori?"
Answer: We never explored this but, in my mind, Jonas went underground and is still alive somewhere, resisting the Ori army.
Fishbaum writes: "So, as I understand it, you and Paul Mullie are the show-runners. How come we almost never hear you talk about Paul in this blog? We hear and see lots on Gero, Binder, and all the directors.... "
Answer: Paul prefers to keep a low profile unlike the other clowns, so you don't hear from his as much.
Anonymous #2 writes: "Which season 4 episode are you most proud of so far?"
Answer: So far? Our season premiere, Adrift, is pretty damn impressive.
Sanura writes: "Are the scripts exclusively writer-edited and tweaked by performers, or is there somebody who does a copy pass for proofing errors?"
Answer: That would be Alex Levine.
Anonymous #3 writes: "When an actor pitches a script like Joe Flan did for "Outcast" once he makes a suggestion, is that all the input he has?"
Answer: That depends on how busy they are, how involved they choose to be and, more importantly, how quickly we have to get the script out.
Susan W. writes: "Are there any official channels by which fans or other members of the public might submit an idea or even a script that you *could* read it and/or use it if it has merit? Is there a particular address or person to whom such could be sent, or a way of disclaiming ownership that would make it possible for you?"
Answer: I'm sure there are a lot of great ideas out there but, at present, we aren't seeking outside submissions.
Anon Y. Mous writes: "Can you tell us if any episodes are fully complete and ready for airing? How far in advance of airing are the episodes due at Sci-Fi? How do you determine if an episode needs a "previously on" segment and who makes that decision the producers or the writers?"
Answers: Yes, a number of episodes are complete (Adrift, Lifeline, Missing, Doppelganger, and Travelers come to mind). As for how far in advance of airing the episodes "are due" at Sci-Fi - it varies. This year, we had plenty of time to deliver as our premiere was pushed back to late September. Re: the previously on. The producers are the writers and we make the call although we'll honor specific SciFi requests.
Martine a ecrit: "1) Quelle scène ou cascade a été la plus difficile a réaliser ? 2) Quelle séquence a nécessité plusieurs prises avant d'obtenir le résultat voulu ? 3) Est ce que vous appréciez les pâtisseries françaises ?"
Reponses: 1) Trio sera le plus difficile. 2) Il y avait plusieurs séquences compliqués cette année. 3) J'adore les pâtisseries françaises.