Lani Tupu - Farscape's CraisA character who had an amazing arc in the hit television series, Farscape, was brought to life by this talented New Zealand actor. Rebel, Hero, Villian, and Tragic Hero, Captain Bialar Crais was all of those. Lani Tupu also supplied the voice of Pilot, Moya's navigator. A convention favorite, SciFi Talk spoke with Lani Tapu at Gatecon 2005. Special Thanks to Jean Oricco.
David Kemper - Farscape Executive Producer2001 interview dicussing the past three seasons of Farscape and what was possibly ahead at the time. David Kemper also chats about his experiences producing Seaquest. Great insights on producing this ground breaking series. Franklin - FarscapeBest known for playing Captain Braca on Farscape and Brutus on Xena Warrior Princess, this talented actor discussed his career with at Icon back in 2003. He then appeared in Matrix Reloaded as the Maitre D' who shows the trio to the table of the Merovingian. After that year, this talented actor has tried his hand at day time drama. One of his first films was My Brilliant Career with Judy Davis.
Ben BrowderThis engaging actor discusses his role of John Crichton in Farscape at the conclusion of the third season of the show at Sci-Fi Channel headquarters in New York. Ben talks about the episodes, his fellow castmates, and the episode that he wrote at the time. Music by Cagey House. Hey - Part OneTaped at Icon in 2002 during season three of Farscape after Virginia had just left the series..She was mum on the subject, but as a result, talked about her character of Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan and what it meant to her and the series. She loves to chat and does, but her insights are worthy of a listen. She also discusssed her roles in The Road Warrior and the James Bond film, The Living Daylights. There is a bit of audio bleed through gremlins but Virginia can be heard fine.
Virginia Hey - Part TwoConclusion of the press conference at Icon with the actress known for her role as Zhaan on the television series, Farscape. She covers conventions and meeting fans, being blue, what the cast is really like and much more.