Titan Magazines:
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Stargate Magazine Issue 33 - On Sale 23 FebruaryNewsThe Official Stargate Magazine is now on a newsstand near you! The latest issue features a wealth of commentaries and conversations with the macho men of
Stargate Universe, a new and exclusive Atlantis short story, and an interview with Universe Executive Producer
Robert C. Cooper! Read on for all the details.
Stargate alumnus
Amanda Tapping has launched a non-profit charity initiative, Sanctuary for Kids, which aims to help homeless children around the world. Funds are raised primarily through online auctions or by donating money directly. For more information, or to donate, visit
Inside the latest issue:FAITH & DEVOTION – BRIAN J. SMITH“They dropped us [from] these Huey helicopters. You’re very much in character because you’re in uniform, carrying a gun, and being dropped way off in the desert.” – Brian J. Smith
In the latest issue of The Official
Stargate Magazine, newcomer
Brian J. Smith tells us about his personal journey that led him to playing Lt. Matthew Scott in
Stargate Universe. He also gives us his thoughts and feelings about the episodes so far, being caught in the middle of a love triangle, and the “life-altering experience” of filming in New Mexico.
GUNG-HO MARINE – JAMIL WALKER SMITH“On my first day we lit a C-4 bomb, ran around a corner, and blew some stuff up. It was pretty cool.” – Jamil Walker Smith
Jamil Walker Smith has come a long way since starring in a TV commercial with baseball great Deion Sanders, and as Master Sergeant Ronald Greer, he is set to face a new set of challenges aboard the Destiny. In this issue, Smith discusses his relationships with the other crew onboard the Destiny, the dynamic between him and fellow military man, Lt. Matthew Scott, and how he’s not taking anything for granted.
FOLLOW THE LEADER - BEAU BRIDGES“Landry was a hard-ass in the beginning, but I also wanted him to have a sense of humor. That’s what I thought Richard Dean Anderson brought to the show.” – Beau Bridges
Hailing from an acting dynasty,
Beau Bridges brought a touch of class to
SG-1 as General Hank Landry in seasons nine and ten. In the latest issue of
The Official Stargate Magazine, Landry reveals how he hit the history books in preparation for the role, what it felt like being a newcomer to a long-running series, and his feelings on being nominated for an Emmy!
GateWorld has an excerpt from the
Robert C. Cooper interview.