(Please follow the link for the complete update and photos at the site: David Hewlett, Director Will Waring, and Joe Flanigan.)
Thursday, August 30, 2007
I finally made it to Widgen Park where Will was setting up the only scene we'd be shooting that day: scene 29, a seven and a half page complex monster. Arguing, stunning, fixing, shooting, running, jumping, falling. And that was just the behind-the-scenes goings-on. By the time lunch was called, we were running a little late but Will assured me he'd be making up time in the afternoon. Of course the best laid plans of mice, men, and determined directors can be completely undone by something as simple as an airplane flying over the location and ruining three successive takes.
Still, a good time was had by all, especially those hanging around the director's chair as I had brought along some Zotter's chocolates for those in need of a pick-me-up. The flavors providing the pick-me-up on this day included Dark Chocolate and Green Veltliner Wine with Long Pepper, Milk Chocolate Sunflower Seeds and Rye Bread, and consensus favorite Dark Chocolate Coffee Plum with Caramelized Bacon.
Tomorrow's the big night shoot so expect my blog entry to be a little later - say, midnight-ish. Set your alarms!
Pics: David waiting for something to happen, Will psyche's himself up, Joe's alternative to bug spray.
Video: Oooh, spooky! [David Hewlett!]