At SciFi Pulse:
SGU Ladies Discuss What It Takes To Be Gate Girls!
Written by Ian Cullen on January 26, 2010
There have been a lot of genre shows that have generated a fair bit of buzz this year, and one such show, which seems to have generated huge amounts of buzz in the fan base is Stargate Universe.
The series, which was born from the same creative minds that brought us Stargate SG1 and SG Atlantis has got people talking because of its darker and grittier story telling, and of course the strong female role models that have come forth.
In issue 32 of the Official Stargate Magazine features interviews with Ming – Na, Elyse Levesque and Alaina Huffman who reveal what it takes to portray a powerful woman in Stargate Universe.
You can read excerpts from all three interviews {at the link above].
At GateWorld:
Wright reveals origins of Stargate Universe
Tuesday - January 26, 2010
by Darren Sumner
The newest issue of The Official Stargate Magazine is out now,including a brand new interview with Stargate SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe co-creator Brad Wright. In it Wright talks about how he and fellow co-creator Robert C. Cooper first conceived and pitched the concept for SGU.
“The germ of Stargate Universe began as a movie by Robert Cooper, as do many of our ideas,” Wright told the magazine. “We always come up with a movie, pitch it to MGM, and they say, ‘Terrific, let’s make it a TV show.’ When we were spinning the film idea, we knew deep down that Universe was really a series because it had so much scope...”