(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)

'Battlestar Galactica' countdown: Visual effects with Gary Hutzel
Jan 15 2009
by Jevon Phillips
The review has already been written for "Battlestar Galactica," and we have only a day left until we find out the answers to many questions, and are probably presented with many more. Over at Hero Complex, an exclusive photo of Katee Sackoff and some fans was posted today, and the site is gearing up for a major scoop tomorrow night.
It's been said that the show is a multi-layered drama -- like "The Sopranos" or "Mad Men" -- that just happens to be a science-fiction program. Well, that "happens to be" is probably a huge draw to many who swear by the genre. And usually, like music scores and sound, a major part of sci-fi shows is the tone that the visual effects help set. That's where visual effects supervisor Gary Hutzel comes in.
We were able to have a chat with him about the show, and how it stacked up against his former employers in the "Star Trek" family. Effects guys sometimes have some long answers!
A brief excerpt:
So, you're pretty seemlessly going from "Battlestar" to "Caprica." Was it just as easy to go from "Next Generation" to "Deep Space Nine?"
Leaving ["Star Trek: The Next Generation"] to go to ["Star Trek: Deep Space Nine"] was basically trading up! It was an opportunity to work with new elements. Honestly, by the end of "Deep Space Nine," I was finished with "Star Trek." I wasn't interested in "Voyager" or any of the other spinoffs because it was such a formulaic show. It was clear that it was not going to get better. They wanted it cheaper, they just didn't want a lot to change.
On "Galactica," I could go nuts! I can work with the directors, editors, writers ... "Star Trek," that was not allowed. You couldn't really do anything independent of what the producers ordered. But here, it's wide open.