(Please follow the link for the complete MASSIVE blog udpate. And for the full-sized, higher-resolutioned behind-the-scenes photos from The Kindred, Part 1.)
February 23, 2008:
The Kindred, Part 1 - What the hell was I thinking?!
Long before this script was outlined or we had even sat down to spin this story, I had two scenes in mind for Beckett's return to Stargate Atlantis. The first, was the final scene of part one. The second, was the final scene of part two. Aside from those two scenes, I had no idea how the events leading up to this episode would dovetail and pay off. I knew we wanted to bring Carson back (the groundwork had been subtly laid way back in Season 3's Vengeance in which, after some discussion with Carl and Martin, it was decided to go back and layer in a clue pointing to Michael's involvement in the seeming resurrection. Isn't it funny how Michael's made so much progress with the retrovirus? It's like he's taken our research and made it his own).
We wanted to solve the mystery of the missing Athosians. And we wanted to bring back the Michael and pay off all of his nefarious planning with a big, galaxy-wide scheme. Sure, there were other elements that we wanted to set up/include/pay-off, but those were the big goals. Goals, clearly, too big for only one episode. So we spun both stories and I took part one, while Alan headed off with part two. What follows are my (now hazy) recollections of the writing of Kindred I -
Like I said - way back when, before we even sat down to spin this story, I knew how I wanted Part 1 to end. And if SciFi hadn't spoiled it in their promo, it would have been perfect.
A brief sampling of the photos (reduced in size to fit this blog)
Director Peter Woeste (the TALL man on the far left), next to Joe Flanigan and a partially hidden Rachel Luttrell

Jason Momoa and David Hewlett

Paul McGillion

Jewel Staite