From Joseph Mallozzi's
blog update for September 12, 2008:
(Please follow the link for the complete blog update and to view the new video.)
September 12, 2008: With Special Guest Star Director Will Waring, and the FX Stage Tour Part V
Director Will WaringHey, look at who dropped by with the answers to all of your burning questions. None other than fab
Stargate Atlantis director
Will Waring! Initially reluctant to guest here and lay bare his inner soul, Will finally came around after a little coaxing, a dash of needling, and some good old-fashioned sleep-deprivation.
Check out Will's Q&A, then scroll down to the bottom of this entry for Part 5 of our stroll through the FX Stage. And, in the coming days: the fan protest, my dinner with
Bob Picardo, Atlantis physics consultant
Mika McKinnon, pics from the set, and a video tour of Stage 3.
First a big thanks to Joe for finally letting me onto his blog , and a thanks to Joe and Paul for another great SGA year. Ok here goes.
Shirt `n Tie writes: "(i) Can I ask you the pineapple question? Including both SG1 and SGA, how many episodes have had pineapples appear in the background as an innocent prop? I think the story is that you had to drive a car through a scene at the start of your career and a pineapple rolled around the back windscreen and since
then you have tried to incorporate a pineapple in every epiosde you direct…Is this true? Anyway, curious to know if you have kept count of the pineapples.
(ii) What for you as a director is the most fun part of your job? and also the reverse…what is the least fun part of the job?
Thank you for taking the time to read (and answer) the questions…. I too also love the audio commentaries you take part in for the DVD box sets…. Your insights into what happened on set really bring the episode to a real context..Many thanks for this and (as always) please keep up the good work!"
WW: "1) What pineapple? I have no idea what you're talking about. 2) The most fun is seeing a plan come together, watching a great performance in a scene, and seeing a cut come together better than imagined, or reading a script and laughing out loud going holy shit can we do that? It's fun to watch the great crew and cast work together to pull off what we do every day. The least fun is running out of time and sometimes being the mean school bus driver.