Brigadier General Jack O'Neill (from "The Shroud")

Some long overdue updates have finally been added to the RDA website this week.
I have finally had the chance to complete my notes for the remaining Stargate episodes, and now, at long last, I have updated and uploaded the Episode Guide for season 10, and the Mission Databases for both seasons 9 and 10.
Jack O'Neill (from "200" - behind-the-scenes dvd featurette)

Now I am hoping to move on to another long overdue project. Last year I had intended to collect and organize a summary and images from the Avalon weekend, but in the light of other projects that needed to be done, that never happened. Now, in time for Avalon's first anniversary, I am working my way through all my notes and images to finally complete the update. I'll be in touch with some people who had offered their pictures to me last year to be included, but this seems like a good time to ask - if there are any other attendees from Avalon last year who would be willing to share some of their photos on the site, please let me know! (The best email to use is kate100 [at]
Many thanks!
Richard Dean Anderson Web Site