At DigiGuide (UK):
Sci-FiThere's a particularly electric episode of
Fringe this week. Elsewhere there's a deadly predicament in
Stargate Atlantis, a creature on the loose in
Sanctuary, and Peter Petrelli has a meeting that will change his life in
STARGATE ATLANTISA deadly predicamentStargate Atlantis, showing Tuesday November 4th on Sky1 at 8:00pm
The sterling sci-fi drama continues. Colonel John Sheppard (
Joe Flanigan) and his team locate Dr Carson Beckett (
Paul McGillion) on an alien planet where he is treating a small group of survivors of the Hoffan plague. These patients, who escaped a Wraith attack on their home world, Balar, have found sanctuary and friendship on this alien planet. But that same evening, a party of Wraith warriors appears before the village's councillors, demanding that the refugees be turned over to them - threatening total annihilation if they refuse.

The Balarians, aware that they are not only immune, but lethal, to a Wraith feeding, fear there is no chance the townspeople will continue to harbour them. And they may be right. Despite Sheppard's best efforts, it appears the original residents intend to sacrifice the newcomers in order to save themselves...
Creature on the looseSanctuary, showing Monday November 3rd on ITV4 at 9:00pmThe sci-fi series continues. The enigmatic Dr Helen Magnus (
Amanda Tapping), Will Zimmerman (
Robin Dunne) and their colleague Dr. Allison Grant (
Sarah Strange) are on a mission in the Himalayas to capture one of the most elusive and mysterious abnormals ever encountered. Flying back to their New Delhi lab, the creature escapes its cage, attacking the pilot and downing the plane in the middle of the treacherous Hindu Kush Mountain Range.
Along with Magnus, Will and Allison, surviving the crash are the Sanctuary's weapons dealer Sylvio Rudd, the expedition's Sherpa Tashi, co-pilot Lloyd Strickland and plane mechanic Viktor Braun, but there is no sign of the escaped creature.

Back home, Ashley (
Emilie Ullerup) has been tracking the plane and immediately arranges for a rescue team out of Islamabad. But a frenzied snow storm has made its way to the fallen plane and the rescue effort cannot move forward until the fierce weather subsides. The hope of being able to reach the plane in a matter of hours turns into a potential of days for the stranded, injured and freezing passengers.
As night falls, they settle in to rest while the wind howls outside the severely damaged fuselage. It becomes chillingly apparent that surviving the cold is the least of their worries when they discover Strickland dead in the cockpit, the victim of a vicious attack, and the creature still nowhere in sight...