(Please follow the link for the complete blog update and to view additional photos of Elyse Leveque.)
June 2, 2010: Elyse Levesque Answers Your Questions!

It’s finally here! That long-awaited Elyse Levesque Q&A you’ve all been asking about! Much thanks to the lovely Elyse for taking time out from her busy schedule (she has a job, y’know!) to answer our questions in very entertaining fashion. I’m pleased she was able to actually slow down long enough to field our queries. Fact is, for the first few months of production, I didn’t have a single picture of Elyse because she was always on the move – and by move, I mean dancing. Yep, she’d be boogie-ing so much between takes that my attempts to snap a candid shot of her would end up... well...
Anyway, what can I say about the supremely talented Ms. Levesque? She sings, she dances, she acts, she raps, she scuba dives in alien tanks. ”What’s that?”you say. She scuba dives in alien tanks? ”No, the other one?” Oh, yeah. Apparently, she raps. Check out the NSFW video [at the link above].
...Sean D. writes: “Two questions for Elyse: 1. What was one of the most heart-felt moments for you with the rest of the cast and crew during SGU’s first season?
EL: When we all got together to watch the pilot episode. Production rented out a theatre, so it was like we were having our own mini-premier. It was such fun for everyone to watch it together and to finally see the results of our hard work.
“2. What was one of the funniest moments for you and the rest of the cast and crew during SGU’s first season?”
EL: Everyday on set provides plenty of comedy, especially with this cast!! We’re a crazy bunch and once we get started, it’s really hard for us to stop. But I think one of my fondest memories is early last season, during the pilot actually, when Louis got his hands on a fart machine and proceeded to punk people from that day till the very end of shooting.