Courtesy of HULU, Babylon 5's 'Deathwalker,' starring Michael O'Hare, Claudia Christian, Jerry Doyle, Richard Biggs, Andrea Thompson, Bill Mumy, Julie Caitlin Brown, Andreas Katsulas and Peter Jurasik. With guest stars including Sarah Douglas and Robin Curtis.
When an infamous scientist arrives on Babylon 5, Sinclair must decide whether to allow her to perfect her experimental youth serum or prosecute her for her war crimes.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Stargate Atlantis - NEW Season 5 Production Video Clip & Photos Apr 30 '08
From Joseph Mallozzi's blog update for April 30, 2008:
(Please follow the link for the complete blog update and to view the NEW SGA season 5 production photos in their full-sized, higher-resolution format and a video clip featuring Paul McGillion!)
April 30, 2008: Creepy and Cold

What happens in the fog tent stays in the fog tent. Until the episode airs of course at which point everyone finds out. But for now, let's just say there are creepy goings-on. The gang upstairs are loving the dailies and director Will Waring is very excited about all of the edited footage he's seen so far.

I'm hoping tomorrow is equally nice as we'll be doing some (Ext. Forest - Day) location shooting. This will be our first time away from our standing sets this season and I'm sure both the cast and crew are looking forward to getting away.
Today's pics: Whispers.
Today's video: Will directs Paul -¤t=WilldirectsPaul.flv

Some mailbag:
Kristen writes: "What's going on with "Hexed"? or is that mentioned in the above list?"
Answer: Hexed is still a possibility.
PG15 also writes: "I think you made a typo there, Joe. The mid-season 2-parter is episodes 10 and 11, not 9 and 10."
Answer: You're right.
PG15 also writes: "1. CSI Atlantis - is it written AND directed by Rob Cooper, like his other episodes? 2. "Carl's latest" - would that be "The Red Shirt Diaries"?"
Answers: 1. It will be. 2. Yep.

PattyO writes: "Why are some written [episodes] and/or directed by the same person, and others aren't?"
Answer: Brad, Paul, Alan, Carl, and I are not directors. Andy, Will, and Martin Wood are not writers. Only Martin Gero and Robert Cooper do both.
(Please follow the link for the complete blog update and to view the NEW SGA season 5 production photos in their full-sized, higher-resolution format and a video clip featuring Paul McGillion!)
April 30, 2008: Creepy and Cold

What happens in the fog tent stays in the fog tent. Until the episode airs of course at which point everyone finds out. But for now, let's just say there are creepy goings-on. The gang upstairs are loving the dailies and director Will Waring is very excited about all of the edited footage he's seen so far.

I'm hoping tomorrow is equally nice as we'll be doing some (Ext. Forest - Day) location shooting. This will be our first time away from our standing sets this season and I'm sure both the cast and crew are looking forward to getting away.
Today's pics: Whispers.
Today's video: Will directs Paul -¤t=WilldirectsPaul.flv

Some mailbag:
Kristen writes: "What's going on with "Hexed"? or is that mentioned in the above list?"
Answer: Hexed is still a possibility.
PG15 also writes: "I think you made a typo there, Joe. The mid-season 2-parter is episodes 10 and 11, not 9 and 10."
Answer: You're right.
PG15 also writes: "1. CSI Atlantis - is it written AND directed by Rob Cooper, like his other episodes? 2. "Carl's latest" - would that be "The Red Shirt Diaries"?"
Answers: 1. It will be. 2. Yep.

PattyO writes: "Why are some written [episodes] and/or directed by the same person, and others aren't?"
Answer: Brad, Paul, Alan, Carl, and I are not directors. Andy, Will, and Martin Wood are not writers. Only Martin Gero and Robert Cooper do both.
Stargate: Continuum - NEW Publicity Stills Apr 30 '08
From the Stargate Atlantis Facebook site:
Variations of photos previously provided by Andreas at GateWorld Forum:
Director Martin Wood, with Amanda Tapping, Michael Shanks and Ben Browder on the set.

Amanda and Ben


Amanda, Ben and Michael

Stargate: Continuum will be released on DVD on July 29 2008.
Variations of photos previously provided by Andreas at GateWorld Forum:
Director Martin Wood, with Amanda Tapping, Michael Shanks and Ben Browder on the set.

Amanda and Ben


Amanda, Ben and Michael

Stargate: Continuum will be released on DVD on July 29 2008.
Stargate Atlantis Season 4 DVD Cover Art
Courtesy of TV Shows on DVD:
The Stargate Atlantis season four DVD box set will be released on July 8, 2008.

Stargate Atlantis Season Four DVD Contents
* Disc 1:
o Adrift
+ Commentary by Co-Executive Producer/Writer Martin Gero, Director/Supervising Producer Martin Wood
o Lifeline
+ Commentary by Director/Supervising Producer Martin Wood and Amanda Tapping
o Reunion
+ Commentary by Executive Producer Joseph Mallozzi and Director William Waring
o Doppelganger
+ Commentary by Executive Producer, Writer and Director Robert C. Cooper and VFX Supervisor Mark Savela
o Other Special Features:
+ A New Leader: Amanda Tapping Joins Atlantis
+ Mission Directive: Doppelganger with Robert C. Cooper
+ Photo Gallery
+ Production Design Gallery
* Disc 2:
o Travelers
+ Commentary by Executive Producer Paul Mullie and Director William Waring
o Tabula Rasa
+ Commentary by Writer Alan McCullough and Director/Supervising Producer Martin Wood and Amanda Tapping
o Missing
+ Commentary by Co-Executive Producer/Writer Carl Binder and Director Andy Mikita
o The Seer
+ Commentary by Writer Alan McCullough and Director Andy Mikita
o Other Special Features:
+ The Doctor Is In: The Return of Paul McGillion
+ Stargate: Atlantis Bloopers
+ Photo Gallery
+ Production Design Gallery
* Disc 3:
o Miller's Crossing
+ Commentary by Co-Executive Producer/Writer Martin Gero and Director Andy Mikita
o This Mortal Coil
+ Commentary by Executive Producer/Writer Joseph Mallozzi and Director William Waring
o Be All My Sins Remember'd
+ Commentary by Co-Executive Producer/Writer Martin Gero and Director Andy Mikita
o Spoils of War
+ Commentary by Producer/Writer Alan McCullough and Director William Waring
o Other Special Features:
+ Mission Directive: This Mortal Coil with Will Waring
+ Photo Gallery
+ Production Design Gallery
* Disc 4:
o Quarantine
+ Commentary by Director/Supervising Producer Martin Wood and Amanda Tapping
o Harmony
+ Commentary by Co-Executive Producer/Writer Martin Gero and Director William Waring
o Outcast
+ Commentary by Writer Alan McCullough and Director Andy Mikita
o Trio
+ Commentary by Co-Executive Producer/Writer Martin Gero, Director Martin Wood, and Amanda Tapping
o Other Special Features:
+ Mission Directive: Quarantine with Martin Wood
+ Mission Directive: Outcast with Andy Mikita
+ The Making of Trio
+ Gallery
+ Production Design Gallery
* Disc 5:
o Midway
+ Commentary by Director Andy Mikita, Christopher Judge and Jason Momoa
o The Kindred
+ Commentary by Executive Producer Joseph Mallozzi and Director Peter F. Woeste
o The Kindred, Part 2
+ Commentary by Writer Alan McCullough and Director/ Supervising Producer Martin Wood
o The Last Man
+ Commentary by Executive Producer Paul Mullie and Director/Supervising Producer Martin Wood
o Other Special Features:
+ A Look Back at Season 4
+ Deleted Scenes
+ Photo Gallery
+ Production Design Gallery
The Stargate Atlantis season four DVD box set will be released on July 8, 2008.

Stargate Atlantis Season Four DVD Contents
* Disc 1:
o Adrift
+ Commentary by Co-Executive Producer/Writer Martin Gero, Director/Supervising Producer Martin Wood
o Lifeline
+ Commentary by Director/Supervising Producer Martin Wood and Amanda Tapping
o Reunion
+ Commentary by Executive Producer Joseph Mallozzi and Director William Waring
o Doppelganger
+ Commentary by Executive Producer, Writer and Director Robert C. Cooper and VFX Supervisor Mark Savela
o Other Special Features:
+ A New Leader: Amanda Tapping Joins Atlantis
+ Mission Directive: Doppelganger with Robert C. Cooper
+ Photo Gallery
+ Production Design Gallery
* Disc 2:
o Travelers
+ Commentary by Executive Producer Paul Mullie and Director William Waring
o Tabula Rasa
+ Commentary by Writer Alan McCullough and Director/Supervising Producer Martin Wood and Amanda Tapping
o Missing
+ Commentary by Co-Executive Producer/Writer Carl Binder and Director Andy Mikita
o The Seer
+ Commentary by Writer Alan McCullough and Director Andy Mikita
o Other Special Features:
+ The Doctor Is In: The Return of Paul McGillion
+ Stargate: Atlantis Bloopers
+ Photo Gallery
+ Production Design Gallery
* Disc 3:
o Miller's Crossing
+ Commentary by Co-Executive Producer/Writer Martin Gero and Director Andy Mikita
o This Mortal Coil
+ Commentary by Executive Producer/Writer Joseph Mallozzi and Director William Waring
o Be All My Sins Remember'd
+ Commentary by Co-Executive Producer/Writer Martin Gero and Director Andy Mikita
o Spoils of War
+ Commentary by Producer/Writer Alan McCullough and Director William Waring
o Other Special Features:
+ Mission Directive: This Mortal Coil with Will Waring
+ Photo Gallery
+ Production Design Gallery
* Disc 4:
o Quarantine
+ Commentary by Director/Supervising Producer Martin Wood and Amanda Tapping
o Harmony
+ Commentary by Co-Executive Producer/Writer Martin Gero and Director William Waring
o Outcast
+ Commentary by Writer Alan McCullough and Director Andy Mikita
o Trio
+ Commentary by Co-Executive Producer/Writer Martin Gero, Director Martin Wood, and Amanda Tapping
o Other Special Features:
+ Mission Directive: Quarantine with Martin Wood
+ Mission Directive: Outcast with Andy Mikita
+ The Making of Trio
+ Gallery
+ Production Design Gallery
* Disc 5:
o Midway
+ Commentary by Director Andy Mikita, Christopher Judge and Jason Momoa
o The Kindred
+ Commentary by Executive Producer Joseph Mallozzi and Director Peter F. Woeste
o The Kindred, Part 2
+ Commentary by Writer Alan McCullough and Director/ Supervising Producer Martin Wood
o The Last Man
+ Commentary by Executive Producer Paul Mullie and Director/Supervising Producer Martin Wood
o Other Special Features:
+ A Look Back at Season 4
+ Deleted Scenes
+ Photo Gallery
+ Production Design Gallery
Iron Man - SciFi Weekly: Interviews with 'Iron Man' Cast
From the SciFi Channel's SciFi Weekly:
(Please follow the link for the complete interviews.)
April 30, 2008
Jon Favreau directs Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeff Bridges and Terrence Howard to build a better Iron Man
By Ian Spelling

The summer moviegoing season will kick off officially on May 2 with director Jon Favreau's highly anticipated adaptation of Iron Man. And the excitement is understandable. Iron Man—which sees a playboy weapons maker emerge as the titular iron-clad superhero—is an all-star affair that casts Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Iron Man; Gwyneth Paltrow as his loyal assistant, Pepper Potts; Terrence Howard as his military contact, James "Rhodey" Rhodes; and Jeff Bridges as mentor-turned-sworn-enemy Obadiah Stane.
SCI FI Weekly recently ventured to New York City to catch up with Downey, Paltrow, Howard, Bridges and Favreau.

Q: Robert Downey, did you do this movie for your kids?

Q: Gwyneth Paltrow, some people are surprised that you're in this movie ...
Q: You don't generally make movies like this ...

Q: Terrence Howard, there's a great in-joke where you see an Iron Man suit and react to it. That's a teaser for a possible evolution into War Machine ...

Q: Jeff Bridges, in playing Stane, did you go by what was on paper or were you part of the improv process?

Q: Jon Favreau, you cast Robert Downey as Tony Stark/Iron Man. Downey has had his share of ups and downs. What did that lend to his portrayal of the character?
(Please follow the link for the complete interviews.)
April 30, 2008
Jon Favreau directs Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeff Bridges and Terrence Howard to build a better Iron Man
By Ian Spelling

The summer moviegoing season will kick off officially on May 2 with director Jon Favreau's highly anticipated adaptation of Iron Man. And the excitement is understandable. Iron Man—which sees a playboy weapons maker emerge as the titular iron-clad superhero—is an all-star affair that casts Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Iron Man; Gwyneth Paltrow as his loyal assistant, Pepper Potts; Terrence Howard as his military contact, James "Rhodey" Rhodes; and Jeff Bridges as mentor-turned-sworn-enemy Obadiah Stane.
SCI FI Weekly recently ventured to New York City to catch up with Downey, Paltrow, Howard, Bridges and Favreau.

Q: Robert Downey, did you do this movie for your kids?
Downey: The funny thing is, when I was researching I asked for every single piece of information they had on Iron Man. They were like, "No, no. We'll send you over a package." I was like, "May I have every single piece you have on Iron Man?" So when the merchandise started coming out I said, "May I have every single thing that is part of the merchandising?" They said, "Robert, that would be like a truck." I was like, "May I have ..." And they said, "Oh, no problem." But anyway, there's all the cool stuff and the Nerf thing and the this and sippy cups and Slurpees and the whole deal, but there's this little book, which probably cost 5 cents to make. It's a little flipbook, and at the end of the flipbook it says, "Iron Man defeated the evil Obadiah Stane. He would never hurt anybody again." And I look on the front and it says "For ages 4+," you know? It's pretty wild and cool to think that I could be participating in this tradition of being kind of twice removed, but pretty directly involved in something that can affect that wide an audience.

Q: Gwyneth Paltrow, some people are surprised that you're in this movie ...
Paltrow: I don't know why people are so surprised.
Q: You don't generally make movies like this ...
Paltrow: Well, but I just hadn't. That doesn't mean I wouldn't. The reason I wanted to do it was because the group of people was so brilliant. It's like, how do you not do that movie? I hadn't worked in, really, since ... I was pregnant with [daughter] Apple when I did Proof, and that was a long time ago, and it came out a ways after we had shot it. So it seemed like I had worked sooner than I had. And in that time I did a few little things, but not a big part or anything. I kind of wanted to go back to work. I started to feel the thing of "I have something to say. I'm here because I have something to say and I have a way to say it." I thought if in about a year, when my son is a year [old], if there's something that seemed like it'd be fun and inspiring and not too demanding—because going back to work, I was very nervous about it—I'll do it. And then Jon called, and he explained what the movie was, what it was going to be kind of at face value, and what the sort of other metaphors in the movie were. He explained my character, and he was like, "She's going to be great. You're going to have fun. It's going to be good scenes." So I said, "OK, I'll do it." And I'm so happy that I said that, because I just had such a good time. Those guys are brilliant. I grew up always wanting to work with Robert, and Jeff Bridges is, like, The Big Lebowski. I mean, he's a god. He's an acting god.

Q: Terrence Howard, there's a great in-joke where you see an Iron Man suit and react to it. That's a teaser for a possible evolution into War Machine ...
Howard: Robin might get to ride in the Batmobile one day. No, I'm pretty sure we're gonna go there. The response to even that one little statement, the roar in the audience ... I didn't know that War Machine was so beloved or anticipated until sitting in an audience and hearing that.

Q: Jeff Bridges, in playing Stane, did you go by what was on paper or were you part of the improv process?
Bridges: This is interesting, "what's on the paper," because it was rarely on the paper. I always thought that these big multimillion-dollar movies, that the special effects are so expensive that they would want to have all the dialogue and be very prepared that way, so that everything [he snaps his fingers] would go quicker. But I found out that that's not the case with these movies. Often the dialogue is kind of left as a last-minute thing, you know? That was tough, because you base your character on what is said about you and what you say, and if that's not solid, then who are you, what are you? So I showed [my ideas] to Jon, so that we were all on the same page. Occasionally that would have to change as we started to discover each day who people were and that sort of thing. So often we would show up for work not knowing what we were going to say. We'd meet in Jon's trailer for a couple of hours and throw ideas around and improvise and put it on one of these little tape recorders. And that's what we said. Jon is to blame, I think, for the success of the movie. As far as I'm concerned, I think it came out wonderfully. I was concerned. It took me a while to kind of get with the program and not spend all that energy bitching about the way it was, because that's not how I like to work. But that's kind of the assignment often; you're dealt a hand of the different people you're working with, and everything is very different. They were very lucky to have Jon and Robert, too, who's also a great improviser.

Q: Jon Favreau, you cast Robert Downey as Tony Stark/Iron Man. Downey has had his share of ups and downs. What did that lend to his portrayal of the character?
Favreau: Downey had a lot in common with Tony Stark. Stark was a guy who lived in the public eye and had succeeded and failed in a very public way, and Robert was able to just really own the idea of being this very intelligent, very public figure who's known by everybody whenever he walks into a room. Robert has lived that. He doesn't push it in the movie. You just know that he gets it. When he walks up a red carpet in the movie or is helped into a limo or walks through a casino floor, you know that this is a guy who has lived with this kind of fame and exposure, and I think that adds dimension to an otherwise two-dimensional genre, when you have a guy who can bring that type of depth and experience to a role.
The Incredible Hulk - Video: Trailer 2 - Edward Norton/Liv Tyler
Second trailer for 'The Incredible Hulk,' starring Edward Norton, Liv Tyler, Tim Roth, William Hurt, and a special appearance of Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark (Iron Man).

Stargate SG-1 / Atlantis - NEW Gen. Jack O'Neill Action Figure
From Toy News International:
(Please follow the link for the complete article.)
Stargate Atlantis 3 - Chevrons Locked!
by Jay in Diamond Select at 05:42 PM on 2008.04.30
The celebrated third series of action figures based on the Sci-Fi Channel hit series Stargate Atlantis are ready to embark on their most important mission to date – exploring your collection! Featuring characters from the third and fourth seasons, this assortment offers new faces, new uniforms, new threats and a bonus figure-sized Ancient Control Chair!

The core release will include Dr. Samantha Carter and Dr. Jennifer Keller as they appeared in the show’s fourth season, a hulking and imposing Wraith Drone, the limited Garrison Uniform Sheppard in his on-base black uniform and the Previews Exclusive warrior, Ronon Dex.
Also included in each case will be a special edition case-topper figure featuring a new version of a Stargate legend – General Jack O’Neill in his blue garrison uniform! This limited figure will be included within each sealed case and will only be available from your local retailer.

For more information and to check the latest Stargate product releases, remember to visit – home of the best of all worlds!
(Please follow the link for the complete article.)
Stargate Atlantis 3 - Chevrons Locked!
by Jay in Diamond Select at 05:42 PM on 2008.04.30
The celebrated third series of action figures based on the Sci-Fi Channel hit series Stargate Atlantis are ready to embark on their most important mission to date – exploring your collection! Featuring characters from the third and fourth seasons, this assortment offers new faces, new uniforms, new threats and a bonus figure-sized Ancient Control Chair!

The core release will include Dr. Samantha Carter and Dr. Jennifer Keller as they appeared in the show’s fourth season, a hulking and imposing Wraith Drone, the limited Garrison Uniform Sheppard in his on-base black uniform and the Previews Exclusive warrior, Ronon Dex.
Also included in each case will be a special edition case-topper figure featuring a new version of a Stargate legend – General Jack O’Neill in his blue garrison uniform! This limited figure will be included within each sealed case and will only be available from your local retailer.

For more information and to check the latest Stargate product releases, remember to visit – home of the best of all worlds!
Highlander - Video: 'Family Tree' - Guest Starring Peter DeLuise
Courtesy of HULU, Highlander's 'Family Tree,' starring Adrian Paul, Alexandra Vandernoot and Stan Kirsch. With guest stars including Stargate SG-1 / Stargate Atlantis Director/Producer/Writer (and actor) Peter DeLuise, Tamsin Kelsey, and Matthew Walker.
Duncan's protege, Richie, falls for a con when he tries to locate his parents.
Duncan's protege, Richie, falls for a con when he tries to locate his parents.
Moonlight - SciFi Wire: Myles Sure CBS To Renew Moonlight
From the SciFi Channel's SciFi Wire:
(Please follow the link for the complete SciFi Wire article.)
12:00 AM, 30-APRIL-08
Myles Sure CBS To Renew Moonlight
Sophia Myles, who plays the mortal love interest of vampire detective Mick St. John on the CBS series Moonlight, told SCI FI Wire that she believes the show will be picked up for a second season thanks to the efforts of fans, who have been donating blood and mailing garlic to network executives to show their support.
Myles said that a second-season pickup is all but confirmed. "I'd put pretty much all of the money I have in my bank account on the fact that we will get picked up," the British actress said. "I think that's largely to do with the amount of fan support and dedication."
(Please follow the link for the complete SciFi Wire article.)
12:00 AM, 30-APRIL-08
Myles Sure CBS To Renew Moonlight
Sophia Myles, who plays the mortal love interest of vampire detective Mick St. John on the CBS series Moonlight, told SCI FI Wire that she believes the show will be picked up for a second season thanks to the efforts of fans, who have been donating blood and mailing garlic to network executives to show their support.
"One of the biggest pleasures of working on this show is the fan base, because we have the most wonderful fans in the world," Myles said in an interview before appearing in a panel at Fangoria's Weekend of Horrors in Los Angeles over the weekend. "And it kind of makes it all worthwhile knowing that there's a whole bunch of people whose hearts you're moving every Friday night and you're giving them something to look forward to. And we view them as part of the extended Moonlight family, and there wouldn't be a show without them."
Myles said that a second-season pickup is all but confirmed. "I'd put pretty much all of the money I have in my bank account on the fact that we will get picked up," the British actress said. "I think that's largely to do with the amount of fan support and dedication."
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