Joseph Mallozzi's blog update for March 10, 2010:
(Please follow the link for the complete blog update and to view ALL the photos of the SGU production art work in their original format.)
SGU Season 2 Production Day #1! More Art Department Package Peeks from Air 1-3! Icarus Base! Homeworld Command! The Hammond!According to the call sheet I discovered sitting in my mailbox early this morning, we have apparently started shooting
Stargate: Universe’s second season. This is exciting for many reasons, the chiefest, of course, being the return of the catering truck. Alas, we’re on location until Friday and, thus, won’t see our lovable cast and crew (and Anthea’s equally lovable desserts) until Monday. In the meantime, we’re keeping busy on the home front.
Paul [Mullie] has wall-to-wall meetings as prep begins on Intervention, while Remi, Linda, and I muse over our respective outlines. I also get to ponder the batch of notes I received on my first script, Awakening, as it heads toward Blue Draft status.
... Now, where did we leave off yesterday? Oh, yeah. We were perusing the Art Department package for
SGU’s three-part opener, Air, and were about to get into Icarus Base, Homeworld Command, and The Hammond…

Ext. Icarus Base - Stargate: Universe, Season One, Air. The concept is illustrated, the actual shot all CG.
Okay, tomorrow I’ll post design work and schematics of the Destiny shuttle. Promise!
In the meantime, for those of you still playing along with the second round of Guess the Episode Titles…
Episode #6: **** *N* *R***
Episode #7: T** ***A*** ****
Episode #8: *A****
Episode #9: ???
Episode #10: *E*****N**
Stargate: Universe resumes NEW episodes on Syfy (US) on Friday, April 2, 2010 at 9pm, followed by the (US) season two premiere of Merlin at 10pm.