or Syfy Asia
STARGATE UNVIERSE Exclusive Asia Premiere = Monday, Aug 16 at 11pm / 10pm THAI-JKT

The search for the next Eli Wallace is on ... Do you have what it takes to be on the Stargate Universe team? We're now giving you a chance to show us!
All you have to do:
* Watch Stargate Universe on Monday nights from 16 August to 6 September at 11pm / 10pm THAI-JKT
* Catch the Cryptograms during the breaks every week, and stand to win Exclusive SGU premiums [10 Sets of SGU premiums to be given away per week]
* Unlock the codes for all 4 weeks and you stand a chance to be the chose one to go on a trip to the film set of Stargate Universe at Vancouver, Canada!
Terms & Conditions
Terms and conditions include:
The Contest is only open to subscribers of the “Syfy Universal” channel in Asia (excluding Philippines, Australia & Japan)
There will be 10 weekly winners for each Weekly Contest, who will
receive one exclusive Stargate Universe coasters set each.
There will be one grand prize winner. The grand prize will consist of a trip for 2 persons to Vancouver, Canada to visit the film set of “Stargate Universe.” The Trip is tentatively scheduled for about October 2010 (the exact dates depend on film production schedule and are to be confirmed and notified by NBCU). The Trip will comprise the following:
(i) 2 x return air tickets (economy class) from the winner's country of residence to Vancouver, Canada;
(ii) Twin share accommodation in Vancouver, Canada for 4 days and 3 nights; and
(iii) Guided tour of the film set of “Stargate Universe” in Vancouver, Canada.