GateWorld Talks With Erick Avari
For some actors, what they do is strictly a job. They may be great at that job, but at the end of the day, it is still just a way to collect a paycheck. For others, acting is a way of life -- an art form. One that they continue to finesse, fine-tune, and strive to perfect. Actor Erick Avari falls into the latter category -- with roots in the Stargate franchise that date back to the original film fifteen years ago.
Avari was gracious enough to speak at length with us about his body of acting work. In the interview, he discusses how he ended up in the industry, how he landed the role of "Kasuf" in the Stargate feature film, reprising that role for SG-1, his feelings on conventions and the fans who attend them, his personal obligations and beliefs as an actor, and much more!
This interview runs over 45 minutes and is available in audio. It's also transcribed [at the link above]!