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SG-1 novel trilogy promises season-arc event
Author Steven Savile talks about next year's big Stargate novel series.
A brief excerpt:
Swedish based author Steven Savile has exploded onto the publishing scene the last few years with dozens of works set in the worlds of Doctor Who, Warhammer, Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Torchwood, and his own universes. He has now joined Fandemonium to pen a trilogy of Stargate SG-1 novels set in the middle of Season Five.
GateWorld caught up with Steven to ask him about how the novel deal came about.
"It was an interesting time for me personally," the author said. "I'd just finished writing the Primeval novel and come to the realization that I had said everything I had to say about vampires [the Black Library Vampire Wars series] and had no interest in writing my fifth vampire novel in three years. You get a little worried about repeating yourself -- and there's only so many ways to suck neck, after all! Then I heard that Sally Malcolm was looking for new writers for the SG-1 and Atlantis lines. A few e-mails later we were fast friends and a huge idea was spawning..."
...Stay tuned to GateWorld for our exclusive interview with Steven Savile when the first book in the trilogy is published in early 2009. Learn more about Fandemonium's series of Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis novels in GateWorld's Books section, and visit Savile online now at his Web site.