(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)

Exclusive Interview: Tamoh Penikett Talks BATTLESTAR GALACTICA and DOLLHOUSE
January 16th, 2009
After parlaying five seasons on the critically acclaimed BATTLESTAR GALACTICA into a starring role in Joss Whedon’s highly anticipated new series DOLLHOUSE, some might say Tamoh Penikett is the luckiest actor in Hollywood. This TV Addict wouldn’t be one of those people.
As recently, we were given the opportunity to interview Penikett, whose incredibly concise and well thought out answers made it clear that ‘luck’ has nothing to do with it.
The following is what he had to say with regards to BATTLESTAR GALACTICA coming to an end, the fate of his character Lt. Karl C. ‘Helo’ Agathon and his role in Whedon’s upcoming DOLLHOUSE.
A brief excerpt:
What can you tell us about your DOLLHOUSE character?
Paul is an FBI agent who is given the case of the “Dollhouse.” Now I think, it’s kind of like his last case where he either solves it or he doesn’t. The fact is that it’s kind of a catch 22 situation. I don’t believe his superiors have any confidence that he’s actually going to get to the bottom of the dollhouse. Because anytime he gets any leads, makes any progress, he runs into walls and stops. But Paul is incredibly driven and once he starts something he has to finish it.