From Visimag: follow the link for the complete magazine details.)

Special Issue #45 • ships from Oct 10 2007
News-stand Price • UK £4.99 / US $9.99
In 100 pages…
• We drop in on the cast and crew of the Stargate series, discovering what's coming in the new season of Atlantis and how things are progressing on the DVD movie front
Interviews with: writer Alan McCullough, and actors:
• Jason Momoa
• Jewel Staite
• David Nykl
• Kavan Smith
• Christopher Judge
Supernatural, Battlestar (2000s), The Dead Zone, Flash Gordon (2000s), Painkiller Jane, Who Wants To Be a Superhero?, Jekyll, Reaper and Journeyman
Cult Times Special # 45 - Feature: Stargate Atlantis' David Nykl
(Please follow the link for the complete interview excerpt.)
Feature: Stargate Atlantis
Radekal Science
David Nykl looks at the development of Dr Radek Zelenka, from occasional bantering colleague to fully-fledged character
"Of course, we hit the ground running once again this year. The fourth season opener, Adrift, is a whizz-bang, fantastic episode. I worked quite a lot with Joe Flanigan [Colonel John Sheppard] in that one. The two of us did a spacewalk wearing EVA [Extra Vehicular Activity] suits, and that was a blast. We had on these $35,000 exact replicas of NASA suits built by the very talented guys and gals at our great special effects shop on Atlantis. They got all the pictures and plans off the Internet, right down to the fine details, including a little flip-up mirror on your wrist where you can look and see all the buttons and switches on the chest panel of your suit. They're labelled backwards, which enables you to read them in the mirror so you know what you're turning on and off."
by Steven Earmo
Read the full interview and more on Stargate in
Cult Times Special #45