Courtesy of HULU, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century's 'Happy Birthday, Buck,' starring Gil Gerard. Erin Gray and Tim O'Connor. Guest stars include Morgan Brittany, Tamara Dobson, Peter MacLean and Chip Johnson.
A vengeful assassin marks Dr. Huer as his next target while plans are made for Buck's 534th birthday party.
The SciFi Channel has scheduled an all day marathon of Star Trek: Enterprise for Monday 26 '08, from 8am through 4am Tuesday May 27 '08 -- 20 hours of back to back Enterprise! Cast includes Scott Bakula, John Billingsley, Jolene Blalock, Dominic Keating, Anthony Montgomery, Linda Park and Connor Trinneer.
Here's the schedule:
08:00A BROKEN BOW - PT 1
09:00A BROKEN BOW - PT 2
11:00A THE ANDORIAN INCIDENT - Jeffrey Combs guest-stars.
4:00P SHADOWS OF P'JEM - Jeffrey Combs guest stars.
12:00A HARBINGER - Steven Culp guest stars.
01:00A HOME - Joanna Cassidy guest stars.
Star Trek: The Next Generation premieres on the SciFi Channel (US) on Monday, June 2 '08 with:
8:00P THE BIG GOODBYE - Peabody Award winning episode and won an Emmy for Best Costume Design for a Series in 1988
Star Trek: Enterprise MOVES to Tuesday's beginning June 3 '08 with:
Courtesy of HULU, Party of Five's 'Desperate Measures,' starring Scott Wolf, Matthew Fox, Neve Campbell, Lacey Chabert, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Alexondra Lee. Guest stars include Ben Browder, Dan Lauria and Joel Miller.
With Charlie in Chicago to see Kirsten, Julia tries to slip off to be with Sam; Bailey tells Sarah the truth about his relationship with Callie.
This blog has two brief video clips from the table reads of the Eureka season three episode, 'Bad to the Drone,' on their Wednesday, May 21 and Friday, May 23 updates. The full cast participates, including Frances Fisher.
Eureka premieres on the SciFi Channel (US) on July 29 '08
Courtesy of HULU, Highlander's 'Studies in Light,' starring Adrian Paul, Alexandra Vandernoot and Stan Kirsch. Guest stars include Patti Allan, Gillian Carfra, Mikal Dughi and Dwight McFee.
An Immortal with a death wish endangers Richie's life while Duncan meets an old mortal lover.
(Please follow the link for the complete article.) Introducing the first annual TV Squad Awards
We here at the TV Squad offices have been mulling this idea over for years now, and it's finally time we took action. Now that the network upfronts are over and we now know for certain (or, to give some a sliver of hope, near-certain) what shows aren't returning next season, we can start the process of submitting nominations - and then winners - of the TV Squad Awards (or as we sometimes call them internally, The Squaddies).
Over the next few days we'll have posts calling for nominee considerations for each of the twelve award categories. These posts are where you, the readers, should state your case for who or what should be nominated and why. Then, next week we'll post the nominees as chosen by the TV Squad team, along with a poll for the readers. Finally, in two weeks we'll submit the winners as chosen by TV Squad, along with the reader's choice award for each, based on the polls.
AND...a category that would fit Stargate Atlantis:
The Most Real Unreal Award: Call for considerations
(Please follow the link for the complete article.)
The final award we're calling for considerations for is one I'm most excited about. The Most Real Unreal Award goes to the show that, during the 2007-2008 television season, displayed the most impressive and realistic example of special effects.
Take your pick amongst the sci-fi and supernatural shows we cover, and I'm sure any one of them could be a great fit for this category: Battlestar Galactica, Eureka, Stargate. What shows would you like to see nominated and what specific aspects of those shows are the most impressive examples of making the "unreal" look real?
There's a comment section at the bottom of the link above where you can nominate your tv show(s).
Courtesy of HULU, from the May 22nd episode of The Late Night Show with Conan O'Brien, a brief clip of a skit between Conan O'Brien and Pierre Bernard (a graphic artist on the show), comparing the struggles in Stargate SG-1 and Battlestar Galactica vs the US dependence on oil.
'Nerding It Up For Pierre'
As this video clip might only be available to US viewers, I've typed up a quick transcript (this is not verbatim):
Conan: "You know, as I said over there in the monologue area, the 'laugh zone' I call it, the rising cost of gas that's what everyone is talking about. These days it's dominating the news, it keeps going up and up and up. President Bush - here's the latest - President Bush just visited Saudi Arabia and he asked them to increase their oil output. And they turned him down cold, they said no. And as I already mentioned tonight, oil hit $135 a barrel.
Now everyone in America is following this story, except for one guy. There's one guy who doesn't care. I'm talking about one of our show's graphic designers, Pierre Bernard. And Pierre just doesn't care. He's just not interested in this topic. And everyone else is interested in it, so I thought, we should talk to Pierre about his lack of interest in this important issue. Let's bring him out right now, Pierre Bernard everybody."
Pierre walks out, waves to an applauding audience.
Conan: "Hi, Pierre. Now, Pierre, is it true - you just don't really care about our country's dependence on Saudi oil?"
Pierre: "I couldn't care less, Conan."
Conan: "Okay. All right. But what you are interested in is scifi television and Japanese anime films, is that right?"
Pierre: "Yes, it's my life."
Conan: "Okay, well then here's what I thought. Maybe, I can make you more interested in the oil prices talking about in in terms that you can understand, Pierre, in a little segment I'm going to call, 'Nerding It Up For Pierre,' what do you think?
(audience applauds)
All right now, Pierre, let's just say that President Bush was like Admiral Adama on Battlestar Galactica, and Saudi Arabian oil was like, I don't know, enriched tylium being guarded by preprogrammed cylon centurions."
Pierre: (very deadpan) "You mean the Saudi's can't even be reasoned with?"
Conan: (grins) Yeah. That was well done. Yes, you see some in the Middle East think we're were like the villainous Goa'uld from Stargate SG-1, a race of ruthless snake-like parasites ruled by the evil System Lord Apophis." (except Conan mispronounces the name as Adophis)
Pierre: "Okay, now I understand."
Conan: "Yeah. - chuckles - This is beter than rehearsal trust me (audience laughs) - And you also understand that OPEC wants to be respected, like the anime hero Naruto, a hyperactive adolescent ninja and a containment vessel from the nine-tailed demon fox?"
Pierre: "I sure do. Wow! I had no idea that Saudi oil production could be so incredibly fascinating."
(audience cheers and laughs)
C: "So Pierre, maybe you'll pay closer to attention next time when you fill up your gas tank?"
Pierre: "Actually, Conan, I won't be driving the car for a while. My drivers license was stolen by an unscrupulous prostitute. (Turns to wave to audience) So long everybody!"
Conan: "Thank you, Pierre. (audience applauds) I swear, he wasn't reading off of cue cards."
Courtesy of HULU, The Invisible Man's 'Perchance To Dream,' starring Vincent Ventresca, Paul Ben-Victor, Shannon Kenny, Eddie Jones and Michael McCafferty. Guest stars include Brooke Battle, Gary Cervantes, Joseph Kell and Wil Wheaton.
Darien and Hobbes uncover a plot in which two corrupt computer geniuses are reprogramming the brains of unwitting victims to transform them into ruthless assassins.
Versatile actor plays FBI agent Lorenzo Lawson in the telemovie, Final Approach. Host Tony Tellado chats with Ernie Hudson about his career including Ghostbusters and returning to do the video game. Ernie also talks about some of his current film projects and discusses Dragon Z Ball. Special thanks to Sheri Helmers of the Hallmark Channel. The movie debuts on that channel on May 24th and will be released on DVD. Music is by Cagey House.
Courtesy of HULU, Babylon 5's 'The Quality of Mercy,' starring Michael O'Hare, Claudia Christian, Jerry Doyle, Richard Biggs, Andrea Thompson, Bill Mumy and Peter Jurasik. Guest stars include June Lockhart, Kate McNeil, Mark Rolston and Damian London.
Dr. Franklin helps a former physician, dying from a painful disease, in her experiments with an alien healing machine. Talia is traumatized after once again scanning the mind of a psychopathic killer.
(Please follow the link to download the audio interview and/or read the transcript.)
GateWorld Talks with Brad Wright
GateWorld's interview with Stargate executive producer Brad Wright continues in this second half, as the topic turns from the upcoming DVD movie Stargate: Continuum to Atlantis, the past and future of SG-1, and what lies ahead for the venerable franchise.
Wright reveals his plans to return to the original SG-1 pilot episode "Children of the Gods," and discusses his brand new Stargate Atlantis episode "The Shrine." He also gives us the exclusive working premise of Stargate: Universe, the planned third TV series.
Part Two of our interview with Brad runs 24 minutes. You may listen at your leisure, download to your MP3 player, or read the transcript [at the link above]!
GW: Stargate fans are eagerly awaiting word from MGM and SCI FI as to what's next. Is it going to be a third movie first? Is it going to be a third series first? Can you give us a status update?
BW: Yes! [Laughter] We know we're doing something. That's all I can tell you right now. I have been a bit frustrated at the time it takes for these things to unfold. Part of the reason it's taking a while is Atlantis is currently ongoing, and also because we didn't want to go into development with anything during the writer's strike because it seemed inappropriate. Even though we're Canadian we recognized it was for the American marketplace and I was respectful. I'm a member of the Writer's Guild of America, so it was wrong on many levels.
Having said that, internally Robert and I are a little bit torn, because we had such a good time making The Ark of Truth and Stargate: Continuum. Making one or two of those a year would be a damn fine thing to do, honestly. It takes up a big chunk of time writing it, a big chunk of time making it, and the post on a movie is more than twice as complicated as post on the biggest episodes. It's not like you can just knock one off while you're making a television show. It's just too much.
I also know that Stargate Universe is a good idea for a television show.