From Joseph Mallozzi's
blog update for July 27, 2008:
(Please follow the link for the complete blog update, and photos from The Ark of Truth production.)
July 27, 2008: Writer/Director/Executive Producer Robert C. Cooper Answers Your Ark of Truth Questions - And Then Some!Hey, look who's here! It's writer/director/executive producer/show creator/golfer/expert barbecuer Robert C. Cooper - and he's got answers to all of your burning questions (provided, of course, you took the time to post said questions last week). Before handing things over to Rob, I'd like to dedicate today's blog entry to
birthday girl Rebecca T. who, I'm sure more than anything, wants to know what was up with those replicators. Rob…?
Regarding teal'c vs. tomin as to who did more to feel guilty about, i.e. who caused more pain, suffering and death, some say teal'c did worse things than tomin. what's your opinion?
RCC: I don't know if guilt of that depth can really be measured on any stick or scale. I think Teal'c and Tomin both did equally terrible things. However, Teal'c did them for a much longer period of time. Still, you're essentially talking about the distinction between killing one person or two. You can't undo either.
Cam and Sam have always had a "sibling relationship" to me. Is this how you see them? Was the scene between them in the infirmary (AoT) supposed to be so flirty or was that a direction the actors took it?
RCC: As I mentioned earlier, I think Sam and Cam's relationship was cemented nicely in Line in the Sand. That is why I recalled the macaroon scene written by Alan McCullough. I meant for it to demonstrate the bond they had formed. Sometimes the actors take things in certain directions and it works. In this case, I think the scene walked the line between flirty and genuine affection for a close friend.
**Many more questions asked, and answered, at Joe's