JOEY: "Don Davis from "Stargate SG-1", which probably is having one of its great moments right now - it's on in syndication, I think it was running on Showtime for a bit, and now it's currently running Friday nights at 9pm on the Sci Fi Channel."
ERICH: "9 pm and re-broadcast at 11pm, which in between is "Farscape."
JOEY: "That's correct. Don Davis is joining us here on a live broadcast of "Interstellar Transmissions", and our conversation continues."
DON: "You know, "Farscape" is a great show itself."
DAVID: "I've caught a few episodes myself, and I really like it just for the effects. Because it's great to see Henson Creature Shop just doing anything other than muppets, because they always do really nice work."
DON: "They've got some nice actors on "Farscape." I've met some of them at these conventions we travel to. It's a great show."

William Devane and Don S. Davis from Stargate: Continuum
ERICH: "You know I played that bumper clip at the beginning of the show - just to show you a guy who's not afraid. That was a season one episode. By the way, they're available on DVD, "Stargate SG-1", right now. I mean it's like the third episode, and he's prepared to kill off everybody else on the job…"
(cross chatter or buffering)
ERICH: "Actually, we got a question today over the internet from Philip Routledge (sp?) in England, who's listening to the show probably the world wide web. He met you at a convention in November, and his question was, 'Out of all the parts he's played, which has been his favorite? What types of characters do you like to play? Like
cops, military types?'"
DON: "By the way, Philip, I've met several times, and he himself is a very promising writer and I wish him luck and I hope somebody has the sense to buy one of his scripts. My favorite character was a total slob, a private eye named Donald P. Carstairs, in a series that didn't last very long, called "Slick Air." [Note: This series was "Fly by Night" - 1991.] He dressed like Columbo, he drove a beat-up old car, and he carried with him a little tin of gasoline. He was such a bad private eye that he was like a 'Mike Hammer' character, you know. He would just fight his way through anything and anybody. But he was such a bad private eye, that he had to make his true living in repossession. He would knock on some door that he was supposed to
repossess something from, if no one answered the door, and he thought someone might be in there, he would simply pour gasoline over the door and set it on fire…"
(all the radio hosts are chuckling in background now)
DON: "…and then beat up anybody who came out, and then go in and take out all their equipment. So that's my favorite character."
DAVID: "So how many episodes of that did you get to do?"
DON: "I did six. It only lasted thirteen. They did six in Canada and seven in France. I didn't get to go to France."
DAVID: "Did you attempt to burn down six doors or more than six?"
DON: "I burned down a couple of doors. I was blown up a couple of times. And I had an anatomically correct Hawaiian doll in a grass skirt."
(all the radio hosts chuckling again)
DAVID: "Man, this show had everything."
DON: "Yes, it was a wonderful show."
MARK: "What was the name of that show again?"
DON: "'Slick Air.' It starred by the way Shannon Tweed of "Playboy" fame and David Elliot of "JAG" fame."
ERICH: "If anybody has this on video, please give us a call. We wouldn't mind screening that."
DON: "I like comedy. I don't get to do much comedy. One of the things I love about "Stargate," is that Rick - Richard Dean Anderson - has a great sense of humor. And they work it into the show."

JOEY: "Let's go ahead and take some calls right now. We've got a call from California, Morjana; you're on a broadcast of "Interstellar Transmissions" with Don Davis. What's your question?"
MORJANA: "Good evening. Yes, I saw Mr. Davis in a wonderful Canadian film, "The Ranger, The Cook, and a Hole in the Sky", with Jerry O'Connell and Sam Elliott. And I was wondering if he had any anecdotes to share from that adventure?"
DON: "I think Sam Elliott is one of the greatest guys that I've ever met. You know he's a star of large standing. And just a typical story about Sam - when he got there - because he was so much a larger star - even though Jerry O'Connell has done well - the rest of us were all Canadians that, you know we're known up here, but we're not
necessarily known across the border. And so Sam, as is normal enough, the biggest star gets the biggest dressing room, in this case a trailer. And then the next stars get lesser dressing rooms on down to those of you who are day players who get honey wagons. Sam refused his trailer. He said that he was there as part of a cast, he would have a dressing room the same size as the rest of the leads. He didn't want the fancy trailer. They said they couldn't budget the show and turn the trailer in. So he turned it over to the Teamsters. He's that kind of a guy. He's the same off screen as he is on, as you well know from the things you've seen him in. He's a gentleman of the old school."
"There's one other thing. One of the reasons I loved "Twin Peaks" - that same thing is true. In any film production, the lead gets a Winnebago, that's got all the bells and whistles on it. And then the next leads get what they call star wagons, which are smaller dressing rooms, down to the day players, who work in honey wagons. And on "Twin Peaks", everybody, except for Kyle [MacLachlan], who had his own, beat-up old Air Steam trailer that he brought to the set, which wasn't as nice as the honey wagon. All the rest of us, no matter even if you're talking about Piper Laurie or Richard Beemer, who ever you're talking about on "Twin Peaks", everybody simply when they arrived in the morning were given a honey wagon room, which is just a little 4 by 8 foot trailer space with a toilet. And we all sat out front and played guitars and kibitzed and just had a great time."
"So anyway, "Ranger, Cook, and Hole in the Sky" is the favorite film I've ever worked on."

DAVID: "Speaking of your film work, Don, you were in one of my favorite movies. I just want to ask your experiences were like working on that, "Best in Show."
DON: (laughing) "That's the funniest bunch of people in the world! And again, that's one of those groups of people - they have a blast. My god, what talent! You know, Fred Willard what he was playing, actually the counterpart of what Joe Garagiola does, on the Westminster Dog Show in New York, you know, he was the color guy. He ad-libbed for an entire day - (laughing) and it was hilarious. (cross chatter) …a true strolling minstrel, they're a repertory company; there's not a weakness in that company. It was a great experience. You'll have to excuse me, I'm the guy who loves making films, and I don't have many dark stories to tell."
ERICH: (cross chatter) "…You have other great artistic talents. (cross chatter) …on the internet, open up another web browser, and take a look at Because there is some gorgeous art work - where did you learn how to…"
DON: "As a matter of fact, I was one of nine artists in a show - there's a wonderful resort spa up here in Canada called Harrison Hot Springs, about an hour and a half out of Vancouver. And this week is the Harrison Hot Springs Arts Festival. I filmed up there on Monday on a project called "Just Cause", which is a new lawyer show for the PAX Network, because we're on hiatus right now from "Stargate." My art show, myself and the other artists, opened on Sunday, we had the reception and everything. I sold a painting at the reception. So that was very nice."
ERICH: "Fantastic. The show, "Stargate SG-1", which is seen on the Sci Fi Channel on Friday nights at 9 pm and re-broadcast at 11 pm. Mr. Davis, is there any conventions that you'll be attending in the near future, where fans of "SG-1" can come and meet you?"
DON: "I'm supposedly going to be in Paris at a convention in the first week of November. Before that I'll be at GateCon here in Vancouver - that I believe is in September. I've got to go down to a "Twin Peaks" convention in Snoqualmie Falls, which was where the lodge was, in August, there's a convention down there. That's pretty much it; we're filming until the middle of October right now. I don't have a lot of time to do any more conventions. We've been off for two weeks from "Stargate", and we start filming again on Monday, and I'm in there filming on that."
JOEY: "Well, fans can go ahead and check out his website, you can take a look at the man's talent, his incredible resume, and also take a look at the magnificent paintings that he's also taken care of - his magnificent, artistic talents. Don S. Davis, from "Stargate SG-1", thank you so much tonight for being on the broadcast of "Interstellar Transmission."
ERICH: "Thank you very much for coming on."
DON: "Thank you. I really appreciate it and I wish you luck. It sounds like that cruise is wonderful (referring to a commercial they were running during the show)!"
JOEY: "Oddly enough, it did sail out of Vancouver about a couple of years ago, and I understand that they're planning on doing that in a couple of years again. I'll be more than happy, if you'd like, to send you some information, if you care to, on that."
DON: "That would be wonderful."
JOEY: "Have yourself a great break and we look forward to seeing you on 'Stargate SG-1'."
DON: "Thanks a lot."
JOEY: "Take care."
DON: "Take care."
JOEY: "Bye-bye."
DON: "Bye-bye."
JOEY: "Don Davis, ladies and gentlemen."