(Please follow the link for the complete text interview. Spencer portrayed Captain Binder in AoT - the SF team leader aboard the Odyssey.)

Interview with Spencer Maybee
Date of publishing: 1st April 2008
A leading man with unusual depth, sensitivity, comic timing, and vast reservoirs of explosive volatility, Spencer thrills at playing characters with complexity. Catalyzing sincerity, subtlety, darkness, and humour, Spencer brings a palpable sense of humanity to every role he plays. Born and raised in Toronto, Spencer did some time on the stage, but it was his other love -- for writing -- that sent him to UVic, where he studied poetry, nonfiction, journalism, and screenwriting. After university, Spencer hit the stage again in the Winnipeg Fringe, but soon learned to love the lens. He did an acting residency at the International Film and Television Workshops in Rockport, Maine, launching his on-camera career soon after with a role as a crystal meth cook in an MOW with Diane Keaton.
Spencer took two years off acting to focus on writing and filmmaking, returning to the screen in a supporting lead role on House Party, a pilot for the Comedy Network. He followed that up with a guest star role on Flash Gordon and supporting leads on Stargate: The Ark of Truth, and the MOWs Smokejumpers and Ice Blues, the latest Don Strachey murder mystery. Currently based out of Vancouver, BC, Spencer studies at the Lyric. Spencer will be in the next X-Files sequel movie.
A brief excerpt:
Gilles Nuytens: What is your best memory from your days on "Stargate: The Ark Of Truth"?
Spencer Maybee: "Definitely working with Rob and playing with the guns. Hanging out with Amanda Tapping was also really cool. She can be a real goof between takes. I really had no idea."