Join Team Stargate today.

Help MGM promote your favorite show across cyber space and you could receive cool Stargate collectibles or other rewards by completing assignments set forth in the Team Stargate mission letters, submitting completed reports and following the Team Stargate Terms and Conditions.
Participation on Team Stargate is open to legal residents of the U.S. and Canada (excluding Quebec) who have attained the age of majority.
See Details:
How it Works:
Sign-up [at the site] to join Team Stargate.
MGM will send you an e-mail to the e-mail address you submit on your registration form confirming that you have joined Team Stargate. Thereafter, MGM will periodically send you the official Team Stargate mission letter. The mission letter will include a variety of features, discussions, topics and inside information about Stargate and various other Stargate promotions, including information and instructions for you to spread the word in cyberspace about the show we all love. You must sign your posts as an "Official Team Stargate member"
Thereafter, we will ask you to summarize your post for that week in a written report so we can see what you did and what's going on out there. Don't worry it's easy, we'll tell you what to post and provide you with the recap report template on this site.
Please remember that when performing services as a Team Stargate member, it is not only important but mandatory that you conduct yourself in a first class manner befitting a Stargate Command Officer and follow the Team Stargate Terms and Conditions.
If you post the Stargate content from 10 different newsletters on at least 10 web sites, sign your posts as an "Official Team Stargate member" and submit valid, complete reports for each of those posts (i.e. 10 total) within the applicable deadlines, we will send you a piece of Stargate memorabilia (some of which may be autographed by Stargate cast and crew members) or other cool items selected by MGM in our sole discretion. Such items may include:
Stargate t-shirts • hats • scripts • books • authentic costumes • authentic set props • magazines • posters • photos • DVDs • iPods • Apple TVs • iTunes electronic vouchers to download Stargate Season 4 and MGM movies
General 250
Colonel 200-249
Lt. Colonel 150-199
Major 100-149
Captain 50-99
1st Lt. 1-49
Based on total user posts
With each mission accomplished, Team Stargate members' posts will be automatically added up to determine their Stargate Command Rank. Only posts completed within the mission deadline will count toward Team Stargate members' promotions. As you rank your nickname will be posted in the rank structure section. Prove your loyalty to Stargate Command and try to out rank the competition!