From Joseph Mallozzi's
blog update for August 17, 2008:
(Please follow the link for the complete blog update.)
Sharon Taylor and David Nykl
August 17, 2008: Upcoming Guests, Pooch Pics, and The Weird Food Purchase of the DayHope you've all finished up this month's fantasy book of the month club pick,
The Orphan's Tales: In the Night Garden, because I'll be weighing in with my thoughts tomorrow. I'll also be collecting questions for author
Catherynne M. Valente who will be dropping by later in the week. This one was a very unique and interesting read. I look forward to checking out your comments.
Speaking of dropping by later in the week… You first knew her as replicator technician, then as human technician, and now as fab-haired recurring gate tech Amelia Banks on
Stargate Atlantis. Next weekend-ish, actress
Sharon Taylor will be dropping by to field your questions about her growing role on the series. What's in store for Amelia in season 5? The answers may surprise. I'll be taking questions for Sharon starting on Wednesday.
Well, the early numbers for
Ghost in the Machine come in tomorrow afternoon and I predict our hitherto consistently upticking numbers take a bit of a hit as we went up against the Olympics last Friday night. Alas, not even the combined forces of Earth's battle cruisers and the city of the Ancients are a match for the triple jump and women's sabre. Hey, did you catch Tajikistan win the bronze in judo? No, neither did I...