From Joseph Mallozzi's blog updated for September 4, 2007: follow the link for the complete update. There are new photos at the site: SGA sets and Martin Gero, and a new video clip.)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Well, even though I was back at the office today in body, in spirit I was with Will Waring and co. over at Green Timbers where they were shooting day #4 of Harmony. I hope my spirit brought an umbrella because it was downright miserable this morning.
Not so miserable at the production offices though. The first draft of The Last Man is out and it’s fantastic. Paul is now doing is pass on Outcast. Carl was at post all day, cutting Quarantine. And Marty G. is preparing for his last day of prep on Trio before catching a flight to T.O. for the Toronto International Film Festival Premiere of his movie YPF. I did an interview with SciFi’s Kathy Huddleston, checked out the test on the tilting set, talked to Joel Goldsmith regarding the end of this Mortal Coil (Oh yeah, watched a Day One Mix of This Mortal Coil), and generally lolly-gagged, dilly-dallied, shilly-shallied, dawdled, frittered, and toddled. No, strike that. There was no toddling. Tomorrow, I’m heading to Green Timbers for Harmony day #5: the other night shoot!
Video: Jodelle harrassing Joe, and vice-versa:¤t=JodelleandJoe.flvToday’s mailbag -
Lady Dulcinea also writes: “Any ancient names you have floating around in your head you'd be obliged to let me use in my own little world.”
Answer: I’m thinking “Havermaat”.
Patricia writes: “If two Wraith decided to life suck each other at the same time, what would happen?”
Answer: Depends on who’s faster.
Atlantisfannew1 a ecrit: “1)Vous allez regarder la saison 4 à la télé? 2)Vous venez souvent en france? 3)Vous aimez bien rire? 4)Vous avez prévu de faire quoi aprés le tournage de la saison 4?”
Reponses: 1) Non. 2) Non. 3) Des fois, oui. 4) Lire et dormir.
Kellie writes: “Now that you've all-but admitted that Teyla and Teal'c are Ronon's parents, when will you admit that Walter and Chuck the technicians are long lost brothers who instant message each other every time the wormhole is established? The subtext is so clear and we fans aren't stupid. Just make it official already.”
Answer: Thanks for the giving away the plot to the season four finale.
PG15 writes: “ Speaking of the Weather Network piece you guys did, I've managed to upload it onto YouTube. You cans see it HERE.” Thanks for that. I keep missing it.
Anonymous #1 writes: “What does Keller have over Carson besides being a woman? What makes her "better" then Carson, forcing him to be "killed" off in the most ridiculus scifi way in existance?”
Answer: Our decision with regard to the Carson character was made well before we had even entertained the notion of a possible new CMO.