(Please follow the link for the complete update. There are photos at the site [including Joe Flaniga, David Hewlett, Jodelle Ferland and more], and a brief video clip of extra Jerry Penacoli as a Genii in "Harmony.")

Saturday, September 1, 2007
Video: Genii Jerry (a.k.a. Extra's Jerry Penacoli):¤t=GeniiJerryaccuses.flv
Let’s play catch up with the mailbag -
Danielle writes: “I was wondering if you wanted to look at my Story Arc idea for Atlantis.”
Answer: I’m unable to read either fan fiction or fan pitches. Sorry.
Edward4th writes: “WOW you have a DRIVER?”
Answer: Only when I’m headed to remote forest locations. Larry is not only a professional driver, but an expert in weaponless bear/cougar/wolverine combat.
Anonymous #1 writes: “Will the opening credits for season 4 change from last year's?”
Answer: Yup.
Mrs. B108 writes: “1)Can we expect Teyla's pregnancy to have an emotional impact on the team's dynamic? 2)Will we be surprised at the truth behind the Athosian's dissapearance?”
Answers: 1) Yes. 2) Depends. How easy do you surprise?
Diamond-Raven writes: “I had a question concerning your end of things. How do you guys manage to stick to your budget when you're writing scripts?”
Answer: Some episodes are bigger and, thus, more expensive than others. But, at the end of the year, things even out and so long as we the overall season budget has not been surpassed, then all is well (a.k.a. - We get to keep our jobs).
Lorr54 writes: “ I'm sure that even the blanks used in the weapons cause a lot of noise. Do the actors have any kind of hearing protection?”
Answer: Cast and crew are provided with ear plugs for the shoot ‘em ups.
Tatinha writes: "Would be wonderful if we had some pictures and videos about episodes that will be aired in the season 4's first half"
Answer: There are pics of the first half episodes in previous blog entires.