Here's the download link for the Chris Judge audio interview from Two Doctors Show on Blog Talk Radio:' portion starts at the 46:26 mark.
Also, keep an eye out at SciFi Talk: Tellado will be posting an audio podcast interview with Christopher Judge soon!
Some notes from Chris' interview:
The interview ran a little long, from 46:26 to 1:03:28, before they were cut off (apparently, Chris was on a round-robin of phone interviews, as SciFi Talk also has a pending audio podcast.)
Chris has been in negotiations with MGM over his new project, "Rage of Angels" since Nov. '06. However, the contracts are done, Chris has "a go" for a 2hr movie and a pilot for a tv series.Regarding future SG1 made-for-dvd movies: fans will determine if there will be more dvd movies.
Regarding the cancellation of SG1 by the SciFi Channel. Chris said it was "numbing" when it happened, especially as the SciFi Channel was "cancelling their highest rated show."
Season 10 the rating were strong, the series had a second wind with the arrival of Ben Browder, Claudia Black and Beau Bridges.
They thought there going to do a season 11, and had signed two year contracts for seasons 10 and 11 (and had been signing one year contracts since season five).
Robert C. Cooper came to Chris Judge's trailer and told him personally about the cancellation.
One last item, Chris revealed that his kids and Ben Browder's kids go to school together.