GateWorld talks with Rachel Luttrell
Just five years ago we were introducing ourselves to actress Rachel Luttrell. It feels too soon to say goodbye.
Now firmly perched in Los Angeles, Rachel is keeping her head on a swivel for her next gig! GateWorld talks with her about raising a son while working 20-hour days, her thoughts on the possibility of the next Atlantis movie, and of course her next projects. We also pay special attention to "The Queen," which saw some interesting turns in the direction of her character.
GateWorld's interview with Rachel Luttrell runs almost 23 minutes. Listen online at your leisure, download it to your MP3 player, or subscribe now to the iTunes podcast! The full interview is also transcribed [at the link above].
A brief excerpt:
GW: ... Were you surprised when you heard the news of the show's cancellation? Did you kind of feel it was coming?
RL: Myself and my fellow cast mates, we were hedging bets about what was going to happen, whether or not there was going to be a Season Six. We kept flipping. There were days when we thought "Oh, gosh. Absolutely it's going to go." And then there were days when we would meet and talk about it and say, "It's not going to go."
So we were flipping back and forth but just prior to finding out about the news we all felt actually pretty certain that we were going to go for another season. So it was a bit of a surprise. It sunk in. It is what it is.
I remember speaking with Robert Picardo who just joined us pretty much in our last season and he said to us that it's a difficult thing when an actor has a home for an actor to lose a home because it doesn't come around very often where an actor feels like they have a place where they can hang their hat and they really feel at home. And that was certainly what we had there. It felt like a big family. A big, sometimes dysfunctional, family. But nonetheless a family.